Amazing Health Tips to Help You Stay in Great Shape

Amazing Health Tips to Help You Stay in Great Shape

When you are trying to get into shape, it can be easy to get lost in the maze of diet and weight loss plans. Keep your eyes on the goal and give your weight loss and fitness goals a boost with these amazing health tips.

Keep Food Real

Instead of reaching for a protein bar, head to the vegetable drawer for a quick snack. Aim to get the majority of your macro and micronutrients from whole food sources. That means, no matter how easy and convenient they are, you should steer clear of highly processed foods.

Real food is often linked to local food, and for good reason. If your town has a farmers market, make it a point of visiting. You’ll get a chance to meet the people who raise and grow your food, which makes it a more personal experience and can encourage you to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Embrace Community

There is a lot to be said for finding a support system you can depend on. In fact, a supportive wellness community can mean the difference between success and failure on your fitness journey. One of the most common things you hear in Le-Vel Thrive reviews is how amazing it is to be part of the community.

If friends or coworkers already belong to a gym, ask them about visiting to see if it is a good fit. Or, if the gym isn’t your scene, look for hiking, biking, or running groups in your area. It is an excellent way to find others that share your passion, whatever that may be.

Go a Little Nuts

It’s perfectly fine to go a little bit nuts, at least where your snack choices are concerned. Instead of chips or cookies, grab a handful of walnuts or almonds. They provide a sustaining infusion of protein while also offering up an impressive nutrition profile. Just one serving of almonds contains 75 mg of calcium, 6 grams of protein, and 3.5 grams of fiber. As an added bonus they are packed with heart-healthy unsaturated fats that may help lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

Spend Time Outside

If you feel better after spending time outdoors, you are not alone. Exposure to nature, both direct and indirect, has been linked to stronger emotional states including reduced anxiety, more resilience to stressors, and improved symptoms of depression. It is also linked to less impulsiveness in decision-making processes.

Time spent in nature is also often linked to increases in physical activity. So, you may be more likely to meet or exceed the recommended amount of exercise each week if you head outdoors. That will definitely help you achieve better overall health and wellness.

Make Smart Drink Choices

What you drink can have serious consequences for your health. Try to make as much of your daily fluid intake come from water. This will help flush out waste products and keep everything moving along smoothly. Avoid sweetened drinks that can easily exceed the daily recommended amount of added sugar in a single serving.

You should also look to limit alcohol intake. Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol has been shown to contribute to both short and long-term negative health consequences.

Build Muscle

Strong muscles are important for overall fitness. Besides needing them for everyday activities, strong muscles encourage strong bones to support them. This is especially important for women and others who are more likely to experience bone loss as they age.

Spice Things Up

Use herbs and spices to add flavor to your foods and increase your health. A few favorites are garlic and oregano for improved heart health, turmeric and ginger to reduce pain and inflammation, and mint to help increase focus and memory.

Use this as an opportunity to expand your food choices. Embrace new recipes and culinary traditions that focus on maximizing flavor with these and other spices.

Take Time To Stretch

Fitness isn’t always about going all out. Make sure you plan time for stretching, whether at the end of other exercise routines or on its own. Learn a simple yoga sequence or try out a Tia Chi class if you aren’t sure where to get started.

By incorporating a few simple steps into your everyday routine, you can embrace a healthier lifestyle. Take the focus off dieting and exercise and look at the big picture to get and stay in great shape.

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