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Wellspring Individual, Couple's, and Family Therapy

therapy session
$250 USD
$250 USD

Psychotherapy Session

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Provided By
Tualatin, OR, USA

Your well-being is my first priority. Taking into account your background, experiences, and current circumstances to assist you to be the best that you can be. I am here to come alongside you in your career, family, and social relationships. Within our therapeutic relationship, we will integrate your mind, body, culture, and spiritual makeup, to help you gain understanding of your experiences.

On Core Spirit since April 2021

Practitioner Reviews

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Hello Emma, Therapy is a good start to understand what communication problems you are dealing with. The duration of therapy varies depending on your needs, it can be a few months, or longer. I hope this answers your questions.

Emma Stone3y ago

Hello! I am having problems communicating with my family. Will this online session help me deal with my problem? And how many online sessions do I need to see results?

Research supports that EFT is effective. Each session is 45-50 minutes.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Marla Christensen
Jul 30, 2024, 16:00
Wellspring Individual, Couple's, and Family Therapy
Lina3y ago

Hello. how accurate is this practice? how long does it last?

Hello Anna, We work together in your sessions based on the goals that you would like to accomplish. Do you want couple’s counseling with your husband or individual counseling for you? The best way to answer all your questions is to have a complimentary consultation in a call. Please contact me on my cell at 503-522-6355. I look forward to talking with you.

Anna Ginger3y ago

Hello! What we will do in this session? And I can be with my husband?

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