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Shamanism and Energy Healing

healing session
$120 USD
$120 USD

Shamanism and energy healing provide ways to untangle from and release our personal and ancestral stories that often keep us trapped in unhealthy, destructive, and unfulfilling lives. They open doorways to discover the shaman in us, that “other” in us that remembers a time when we were all connected, a time when the plants told us their healing properties and the animals revealed to us their secret medicine, a time when we humans and the plant people, the tree people, the stone people, the winged, the finned, the furred and even the creep crawlers all listened to each other, a time when Spirit and Nature were one. Now is the time to do the work to connect to this other in us. Our survival, yours and mine depends on it. The Ancient Ones are calling to us “Please remember.”

  • Do you find yourself caught in negative and destructive patterns?
  • Would you like to uncover the source of these painful stories and eliminate their power in your life?
  • Shamanic Healing and Energy Medicine can help you uncover and heal the wounds, beliefs, unconscious judgments, and soul contracts that hold you in these destructive places.
  • This work also reorganizes our relationship to the masculine and feminine energies so that they work in cooperation with each other as co-creators in the dance of life.

Shamanism is an ancient tradition that works in the invisible world of spirit and energy designed to heal the energetic aspects of problems and disturbances.

As a shamanic practitioner I can help you uncover what is hidden, what is bound and buried energetically within you that continues to play out in your life as painful and destructive patterns.

We work together to make it possible to identify and release what you have been unable to access because it has been too overwhelming, too painful or unacceptable and help you come into a more satisfying relationship with yourself and your environment.

Energy healing uses the energetic keys of shamanism to unlock these places in our lives where we are caught, setting us free to discover a new life plan and dream a new dream.

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8364 Keystone Crossing, Indianapolis, IN 46240, USA

I am a psychotherapist, licensed clinical social worker, educator, artist and shamanic practitioner. My personal psycho-sexual-spiritual journey and my 30 years working as a psychotherapist have given me direct experience with healing the emotional, psychological, and spiritual wounds of human suffering.

On Core Spirit since May 2021

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Check out my article "Healing Trauma: A Shamanic Approach" for an example of a session. shamanicpractice.org/article/healing-trauma-a-shama…

Michelle Collins3y ago

Hello! I would like to know exactly hos the session goes. Thx in advance!

Joan Wilson3y ago

Hi! Does your practice help to deal with mental problems? Thanks in advance!

Shamanic Healing
Sheldon E Shalley
Jul 30, 2024, 13:00
Shamanism and Energy Healing

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