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Self Empowerment

coaching session
$90 USD
$90 USD

My Coaching approach is rather ecclectic in that I use the GROW model as a process but use various coaching techniques at each of the GROW stages to address a specific coaching need. The techniques I use include but not limited: meta-mirror, ontology, self-esteem model, cognitive behavioral approach, transition model, time to think, Logotherapy, EQ, etc.
The techniques I use challenge and support growth. I facilitate growth by empowering the individuals to find/ reach to the answers of the question or issue they are working on. I create a safe space to reflect or explore various pathways to success and sustainable transformation. I empower individuals to create/ improve self-belief, action, clarity, commitment, awareness, self-motivation and choice.

My areas of coaching strengths include:
• Managing personal transitions
• Self esteem
• Personal development – leading self
• meaning centred living
• Career Development
• Leadership development
• Emotional wellbeing

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Provided By
Rene Pl, Glen Athol, Sandton, 2090, South Africa

I am passionate about personal development with a keen focus of building individuals as leaders of themselves. I have over 15 years experience in developing talent. I believe that deep inside every person there is a desire to live a meaningful life, to have purpose, to live an inspired life and make a difference. People therefore need support and self-belief.

Let’s connect and grow together.

On Core Spirit since January 2021

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Hi John, I apologise for only responding now as I did not get a notification. Yes I do focus on facilitating you identifying meaning and creating purpose of your life. I do offer a free discovery session for 30 minutes, so that we can both assess if we can work together.

Kind regards

Hi Lina, I hope you are well. My coaching approach does produces results in terms of facilitating direction, support and exploring avenues to change your story. The session is 1 hour. We can arrange a 30 minute discovery session before you commit so that you can make an informed decision.


Lina3y ago

Hello. how accurate is this practice? how long does it last?

Career Coaching
Nokubonga Mbanga
Jul 30, 2024, 07:00
Self Insights coaching
Career Coaching
Nokubonga Mbanga
Jul 30, 2024, 07:00
Self Empowerment
John Persey3y ago

I feel like i need to find a path in life… Might the session help?

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