Remove Mental Blocks

Remove Mental Blocks

coaching session

Are you tired of staying stuck? Frustrated because you are struggling with the same old problems? Not enough energy, consistent focus and momentum?

Feeling lost the longer you stay stuck?

Trying the same old methods but not making significant progress?

Why not try energy psychology? Bypass the limited mind programs using epigenetics.

Helen is a DNA Upgrade Specialist and Fulfilment Coach. She gained popularity amongst top entrepreneurs as she only works with the natural body as tool to live a more efficient and happy life.

Sessions involve removal of blocks and integrative coaching as support.

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Helen Müller is known for her breakthrough technique to remove mental blocks through energy psychology. She helps those seeking true inner fulfilment and personal mastery.

Practitioner Reviews

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Henrietta11mo agoreply toYou are the one…

Asking you why you gave me a bad review while we didn't have the session is it an attack? I do not feel like that, as the review option is given for the service itself. You are reviewing the service you received but if you didn't receive a FREE service what are you reviewing? If you didn't receive the session for the first time why did you book it again?

Is it bothering you that I offer a healing service for free while you are charging people for that?

You are the one attacking me. If you read again the comments I made it was not nearly as degrading and unnecessary as what you are doing right now. You should take responsiblity for your part in not showing up for sessions and not putting that on me. Here are my review comments - read it again and then read your response. "Helen Müller

Feb 17, 2024
I booked twice and both times it was a no show. Would love to try out the service. Namaste x

Helen Müller

Feb 10, 2024
Unfortunately it was a no-show, looking forward to still do the session. Rebooked for next week.

Henrietta11mo agoreply toHi Henrietta, I…

No, you didn't "have to" give me, that's optional. I contacted CoreSpirit support about the situation. The problem is that their system does not match my needs. For a** Reiki session**, I need to talk to the people initially.
I need to explain many things before we jump into the session, and I also need information from them, Sekhmet is different from other Reiki types.
I am new to CoreSpirit and I had no idea how it works this is the reason I offered my service for free. You as a professional healer should support and help your fellow, and not attack me with bad reviews.

Distance Healing
Helen Müller
Mar 12, 2025, 05:00
Remove Mental Blocks
Mar 12, 2025, 09:00
Egyptian Sekhmet Healing REIKI Session
Spiritual Healing
30 minutes Sekhmet Reiki Session

Hi Bethany, this session helps with depression, anxiety, and any energy disharmony.

Hi Henrietta, I had to give a review. You did not show up twice in a row on a Saturday and my time is valuable. I showed up for both of those sessions and it was a no-show from you. I believed my comment was not entirely negative.

Henrietta11mo ago

Hi Helen
Why do you keep giving me bad reviews? We didn't have a session together. What are you reviewing?


Hi Helen! Will this session be useful for people with depression?


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