<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Quantum Portal Journey | Core Spirit

Quantum Portal Journey

healing session
English, Turkish
$99 USD
$99 USD


I will set the stage by building up the energy and the vehicle of light we will be traveling together, then we will pass through the portal to the realm where we will meet infinite number of you's. We will find the versions who has achieved the results you want, and I will guide you to merge with them one by one. Maximum 2 versions is recommended, as I will have you merge with 2 more versions at the preparation stage. The session will be recorded and you can re-listen to reinforce the power and effect of the session, by setting your intention to re-visit the time we did this together and utilizing the same power and energies we created together.

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This is a special portal session, a "True and Powerful Journey", not a meditation.

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İstanbul, Turkey

I started my journey with healing my own traumas and then was trained as a Life Coach and afterwards as a Health Coach through two respected institutions, receiving training around 1 year for each.
While Coaching was great, clients seemed to get stuck at some point and I realized I needed other tools and modalities to help them move through these roadblocks. With this intent, I stopped coaching alone and studied and practiced Shamanic healing modalities and Past Life Therapy Through Light Bridge. While it's not absolutely necessary to do a Past Life Therapy to heal a past life block, there are some instances where the person is stuck and doesn't know where it stems from and s/he cannot get past through it.

I use a Shamanic technique to test and confirm if the issue you bring is actually rooted in a past life and test if we can heal it successfully. I only offer Past Life Therapy Through Light Bridge session to those who really need it and when it is 100% safe for the person.

Besides Past Life Therapy, I offer a powerful Portal Journey where I travel with you through a Portal to bring in desired consciousness into your current self. You can merge with a consciousness of you who has achieved abundance and success, who have mastered a skill, who is happy and joyful, who healed something you want to heal, who evolved into a higher consciousness, who has fully unlocked his/her creativity, unlocked his/her spiritual gifts, sky is the limit.

On Core Spirit since July 2022

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