Personal Astrology Chart And Reading

Personal Astrology Chart And Reading


What do the stars have to say for you? Are you curious to go more in depth into your personal planet placements and learn what that means for your life trajectory? Sometimes we act unconsciously, and struggle with certain issues because we do not have clarity on our true natures and the influences we were born into. I would be happy to provide an analysis about your character, the areas you are weak and or strong in, your hidden powers, and what your soul purpose is.

I need your name, date of birth, time of birth and place of birth.

An insightful and illuminating read, delving into your Western Astrology planetary placements will open up many avenues to learn and explore about yourself. I look forward to working with you!

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Provided By
Hello Star Travelers,. I am Xyla Grey, a plant spirit practitioner, herbalist, aromatic medicine artist, animist, storyteller, shadow worker, tarot reader and practice Slavic folkloric witchcraft. I am here to assist you in your healing journey through ex…

Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
Mar 14, 2025, 11:00
Plant Spirit Medicine Card Draw
What messages do the plant spirits have for you today? I will draw a card from the beautiful Druid Plant Oracle deck and give you a reading about which plants are wishing to connect with you and transmit their healing medicine magics for you! I look forwa…
Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
Mar 14, 2025, 11:00
Ancestor Guidance
Our Ancestors and Spirit Guides are always around; guiding us and protecting us. Are you feeling stuck in your life or feeling lost? Or perhaps you just would like some illumination about what the energies are around you at this time? Whatever you need cl…
Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
Mar 14, 2025, 11:00
Shadow Mini Reading
Are you feeling stuck in life? Are you dealing with the darker aspects of living and wanting to get an idea of what is holding you back and how to move on? A Shadow Mini Reading might be of assistance for you. Suppressed sides of our personalities come o…
Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
Mar 14, 2025, 11:00
Moon Messages Oracle Reading
The moon influences our lives in many ways, ruling the waters and tides, how seeds, plants and trees grow, our personal emotions and has a part in the timing of our life events. Do you need some clarity on a situation in your life at this time? Would you …
Tarot Reading
Xyla Grey
Mar 14, 2025, 11:00
One Card Pull Oracle Card Message
Are you looking for a intuitive reading for a question on your mind? I am happy ton pull a card from the beautiful Woodland Wardens Oracle deck for you. This deck is very magical, set in in a rustic-folk style illustrated by Jessica Roux. It draws on myth…
Xyla Grey
Mar 14, 2025, 11:00
Shadow Work Healing
All of us carry shadows inside. When the human Shadow is shunned, it tends to undermine and sabotage our lives, contributing to ddictions, low self-esteem, mental illness, chronic illnesses, and various neuroses. Before we start our session, I will shama…
Spirit Guides
Xyla Grey
Mar 14, 2025, 11:00
Plant Spirit Guide
I am a shamanic plant practitioner working through my family lineage of Slavic traditional witches, a certified herbalist, permaculture designer and work intimately with Plant Spirits. Everyone has a special Plant Spirit that they are attuned to and intui…
Western Astrology
Xyla Grey
Mar 14, 2025, 11:00
Personal Astrology Chart And Reading
What do the stars have to say for you? Are you curious to go more in depth into your personal planet placements and learn what that means for your life trajectory? Sometimes we act unconsciously, and struggle with certain issues because we do not have cla…
Spirit Guides
Xyla Grey
Mar 14, 2025, 11:00
Nature Connection Guide
Do you feel that Nature is trying to communicate with you? Do you have a connection to certain, trees, plants, or animals and wondering what that means for you? The Natural world is full of Otherworldly messengers, from the Elemental Beings, Nature Spirit…

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