Using either a four-card or five-card spread, you can ask a question you wish to be answered about circumstances in your life. Whether you're experiencing uncertainty about your future, having trouble with a current issue, or want to solve a problem from your past, you can ask for guidance about what to do or how to proceed. As an intuitive, I will read your energy and discover what may be the root of the issue, though sometimes the message you truly need to hear will emerge beyond the question asked. Tapping into the energetic field of consciousness reveals more than basic issues with money or unsettling relationships; your true self knows exactly what to do and it will lovingly teach us when given the opportunity. Using a wealth of knowledge about the psyche, personal growth, and practical life skills, this will be more than a simple card reading. You will leave with a clear plan of action. If this is your first time, you may wish to try the introductory reading session to see if our energy aligns.
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One of the best ways to help the rest of the world is healing yourself. Gain wisdom about who you really are, learn how you can live according to what makes you happy, and heal the trauma of your past to become more aligned with your essential nature. Oracle card readings, energy readings, balancing chakras, and doing shadow work all provide avenues to becoming your best self.
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