<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> On-Line Cacao Ceremony - Next On-line Ceremony 11th April 2021 | Core Spirit

On-Line Cacao Ceremony - Next On-line Ceremony 11th April 2021

$50 USD

A gift from the rainforest that contains a bundle of nutritional and neurochemical benefits. Cacao contains vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants contributing to our overall physical health, mental agility, awareness, and focus.
Cacao gently helps us to release emotional blockages that no longer serve us, find forgiveness in ourselves and others, and show us the way forward if we are stuck, or afraid of making necessary life changes.

Cacao also enables us (only when we are ready) to access stuck emotions, conditionings, patterns of behavior, and addictions that are buried deep.

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Wiltshire, UK

I am a Practitioner in Shamanism, Cacao, Reiki & a Facial Reflexologist. I trained as a Shamanic Practitioner in 2014, a Cacao Practitioner in 2017. I am passionate about helping people reach their full potential by bringing these ancient techniques into the modern-day arena.
Contact me for Shamanic Healing, Cacao Ceremonies. All available in person & online.

On Core Spirit since May 2020

Practitioner Reviews

VIRGINIA QUIGLEY doesn’t have reviews yet.

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For a Daily Cup, I boil 150ml of water and add 15 to 18g of Cacao and stir until dissolved. For a ceremony its a larger quantity of Cacao but made in the same way. You can make with non-dairy milk but I prefer mine with water.

Hi, Its ethically source, 100% nothing added, from Peru, Ecuador and Guatemala

Alina Lee3y ago

Will you give tips how to make a perfect cup of cocao?

Shamanic Healing
Jul 29, 2024, 09:00
Cacao Therapy
Jul 29, 2024, 09:00
Wiltshire, UK
Face Reflexology
Shamanic Healing
On-Line Cacao Ceremony - Next On-line Ceremony 11th April 2021
Stormi Smith3y ago

Wow, this is interesting! May I know where the cacao is imported from? It’s probably some special ceremonial cacao or something, right?

Cacao is the main ingredient in Chocolate, and has its origins in ancient cultures, it is a superfood and was used as medicine, and even currency.
Through its many properties Cacao can help to heal on mental, physical and spiritual levels.

In modern times, Cacao has made a resurgence, and is so important today as helps to reduce stress and anxiety and at a deeper level, helps to gently remove blockages and limiting beliefs.

During a modern-day Cacao ceremony, we go on a Shamanic journey to meet the Cacao Spirit, where we connect to her and our own innate knowing where we find clarity and guidance.

Cacao is a medicine for our heart and soul, and when we connect in silence, we discover unconditional love of ourselves and others, forgiveness, and recognition that life is a journey, and we are here to learn and grow. The more connected to our hearts, the more we are connected to nature and to each other.

Please let me know if you would like any further information.

Olive3y ago

Hi! I have never heard about this practice before. Can you tell me how it works?

Shamanic Healing
Jul 29, 2024, 09:00
Shamanic Healing

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