<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Off-Site Residential Feng Shui Report | Core Spirit

Off-Site Residential Feng Shui Report

$480 USD
$480 USD

This type of report is possible if I can clearly see the roof line of your home on google earth and if you can provide the name, gender and date of birth (incl time and place of birth if known) for each individual living in your home, an A4 copy of the floor plan and an idea as to when your home was constructed (ie before or after 4 Feb 1924, 1944, 1964, 1984 or 2004) and if/when it has been completely renovated or significantly extended since construction.

It also helps if you can email clearly labelled jpegs of the interior and exterior to me showing the view towards and away from your home and the interior layout etc.

Your detailed 40+ page Classical Feng Shui Report will cover the surrounding landform, room-by room flying star feng shui analysis and recommendations, annual energy influences and Sun Ceremony dates.

This consult DOES NOT include an On-Site visit so it can apply to any property around the world.

Note: this price is for an existing house, townhouse, apartment or unit. If you are seeking feng shui services for building a new home from the ground up, then there will be additional costs at an hourly rate depending on the scope of the work.

Derelle reserves the right to decline to do this service if the surrounding landform and/or time period, fei xing etc of a building is too difficult to ascertain with certainty via an off-site consult. In this case, your money will be refunded and Derelle will recommend consultants in your area to help you via an On-Site visit to your property.

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Brisbane QLD, Australia

Derelle is an accredited Feng Shui Professional and formally recognized Feng Shui Master with the Association of Feng Shui Consultants International. Her Feng Shui reports are very detailed and user-friendly, covering the Astrology, Numerology and 8 Mansions details for each individual, plus room-by-room Xuan Kong Fei XIng Feng Shui recommendations and surrounding landform analysis.

On Core Spirit since April 2021

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