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MP3's To Help Our Kids during these times

healing session
$15 USD
$15 USD

I’ve been creating MP3s for clients for over 30 years, now.
With the recent challenges kids can start to pick up stress and anxiety without really understanding where it’s all coming from. I create the unique MP3s just for your child to help them sleep better, rebalance, feel like a kid again. Contact me at and I’ll forward the Questions form for you.

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Vancouver, BC, Canada

Harry Nichols, Master Trainer of NLP - Society of NLP and Master Hypnotist; NLP Coach and Pivotal Coaching

Kathy Welter, NLP Licensed Trainer, Society of NLP, R.CHt, NLP Coach, Celebrated Author

Mastery of Deep Trance States Certification Programs

On Core Spirit since November 2020

NLP & Hypnotherapy Licensed Training
Quit Smoking Now

Just the rules for 90 days: You can do this, I can help… just a few details, a couple of sessions and some MP3’s to listen to and you can bank some savings and begin to heal…

Create a space, pick a jar, have it in plain sight so you see it every day.

Every day, put the amount of money in the jar that you would have spent on the purchase of the cigarettes, and probably 1-2 times a week the cost of replacing lighters. Do this for 90 days.

90 days times $16 a pack a day = $1,440. ( in just 3 months)

Over one year = $5,840.00 (and you were just lighting this money on fire)

Continue to save this money, so you have it at the end of the year

This doesn’t include the lighters, nor the burns in clothing and other items, it doesn’t include the health damages, lung damage, nor damages to your heart, teeth etc. just the cold hard cash!

1: Eat 3 meals during the day, proteins first. Eat your proteins first

2: Use your MP3 /iPhone as often as you feel the desire

3: Focus on the process , Use MP3’s to interrupt any cravings

4: Begin to notice when the body is experiencing cravings

5: Ask and listen to it, when it’s showing you cravings, when was the last time you gave it food?

Drink Water, avoid the beverages you used to use with the substance

6: Like a child we don’t give it what it wants if it’s not right for it – we know what is better for our body, and we supply it with proteins, water, rest, relaxation, laughter

7: Add in the supplements and vitamins

8: Add in a walk each night after dinner – change old patterns by inserting new ones

9: Just 20 minutes and get some good movement going

10: Daily Mantra – “I am non-smoking person, I am a non-smoking person”

Supplements to help you through these 90 days: Take all as recommended

\* If sleep is interrupted in the night, use an MP3 and allow the body to relax and drift.

Items with Fructose, Sucrose and Dextrose – Corn Syrups –discard them all. These will not help you. Using gum when you want to freshen your mouth, and change the piece often

Brush your teeth often, rinse with a mouth wash, drink water – this will flush the toxins –

If you can, use Coconut Oil, in the mouth for 20 minutes and then spit it out. It will absorb toxins from the teeth, gums, and tongue , then brush teeth and rinse.

Taking control of your environment:

Obtain the supplements

Stock with good foods and protein rich foods (eat 3 meals & six snacks daily)


Remove all beverages, and remove all glasses/cups & ashtrays associated with using cigarettes

Clear and clean away all areas you used to smoke

Your body is a smart system; it knows how to do this for you…really!

Organizing your life:

During this time you are going to find you have extra time on your hands, time you used to spend smoking. Rather than become agitated with this extra time, set up some projects you want to work on, and go to them often. Have one you can do that is indoors, one that is outdoors. Add in walks and breathe deeply while walking

Home Clearing Time:

o Clear cupboards, clutter and unused items

o Sort through clothes wash and have items dry cleaned

o Clean windows and closets

o DE clutter and organize your personal belongings

Organizing tools, garage, work spaces

Shopping: Take all the colour out of cigarettes, packages, make a still image and shrink it down- in your mind.

When you shop, go to different places than where you used to purchase cigs and lighters

How red meat counteracts a lot of protein issues. If you are not a vegetarian then it’s recommended you eat healthy red meat during this time, both for grounding and also for the nutrients to help rebuild cells

Resources for interrupting compulsive behaviours:

Anxious personality creates a pre-disposition for cravings.

What is going on physically?

Examining the Bio-Chemistry of what stimulates the desire.

“What if I?” thinking

Brain Chemistry is affected: Serotonin & Dopamine – create a drive to look for something to do

Emotional Shifts and changes can be and will be managed using the MP3’s daily

Physical: Dopamine, GABA & Serotonin, - when these are depleted, become deficient these are the symptoms:

o Low energy, tired, blood sugar erratic, insulin imbalance, carb cravings, and diabetes, low blood sugar, hypo glycemic, obesity, feel worthless.

Your body is working hard to rebalance, reaches for the substance as the body is trying to bring itself back into homeostasis, or balance.

Mental stress, multi-tasking, keeping busy, doing too many things, on the phone, doing multiple tasks at once, skipping meals, not sleeping over exercise, artificial sugars, must keep busy, a drive to be busy (for the first months this can become the new normal)

Testing the neuro transmitter levels:

Essential fatty acids are so important….Omega 3 & 6 are often depleted through years of abusing substances

Protein has amino acids; arginine stimulates growth, decreases fat,

NLP & Hypnotherapy Licensed Training
Neuro Science: The Super Powers of Healing and the Magic of Children

Super Powers in healing,

Recently, we’ve been listening to the HEAL SUMMIT, listening to Gregg Braden, and Dr. Joe and last night Jim Kwick the author of Limitless, and I remembered these early days working with the deep psyche and just how powerful our brain truly is. And more importantly when the brain is unencumbered with limited beliefs its pretty amazing what can happen.

When it’s all in alignment with the heart, the mind, and the body…as children are, we have a powerful tool for recovery and just about anything else we want to focus on too.

Jim said last night : Great power comes with Great Responsibility and Great Responsibility comes with Great Power.

It suddenly reminded me of a client I’d worked with easily 20 + years ago now… and there were many places where one might think, miraculous recovery, and yet as NeuroScience sets a new course for us in Quantum Physics and the Human Capacity to do so much more… I recalled this story:

At the time I didn’t really know what would come, having worked in Palliative Care for some time, I was pretty used to the life and death challenges for families and loved ones, and so as a colleague shared this with me, she was hoping I would do some Tapes for this boy to listen to, and perhaps it would help him. She shared the events of his accident and yes they were really compelling, and so I asked her what was happening with him at this point.

He was a 6 year old with 3d Degree burns to 60% of his body and not expected to live. She was a distant relative to the boys father, I think. That’s how she knew the deeper details of what had happened and how serious this little guys life was. That might have been why the doctors allowed me to do TAPES for him, (yes tapes not mp3s) At that time, they felt he would not survive even the next 10 days.

I thought if he was going to die, he could let the anger at the accident that caused all this, be left to his parents and police and he could forgive the three boys that sprayed bbq lighter on him and through a match at him. A neighbour saw, and got to him and quickly rolled him in a carpet and put the fire out, and he was flown down to Sick Children’s into the burn unit. I know it sounds crazy to suggest that be the place to start, yet if he was going to die, then doing so without the energy of anger at others seemed a critical place to start…to me anyway…so that was the first tape. Letting his parents and the police deal with these boys and he could let it go, let them go, forgive them and let mom and dad handle anything further. Then he could focus 100% on getting better. And 10 days later he was still alive.

I began to follow the clues from his nurses and doctors. Whatever they suggested I would look for ways to shift it into suggestions for healing and he might not have followed it either, but he did. That says a lot about the human spirit and it’s desire to not just live, but thrive, even through intense moments that life throws at us.

That was August, the week before the kids were due back at school, and so I found myself doing a series of tapes for him, I used his NAME in the guided visualizations. and even through the deep medication he made some inner choices, shifts and kept on going.

He was on monitors at Sick Kids and so the nurses could see his blood gases and heart rates would all level out and drop when he was listening to the tapes. (it was the first time I had monitors to observe what was going on in the body when in deep relaxation, deep trance, deep guided visualization, meditation, hypnotic trance and it was wonderful to hear the tapes were actually helping him relax, remain calm and they used them often)

He had severe burns to his left hand and the tendons were exposed and damaged, so physiotherapy was about to give up, “that won’t get better- been exposed to the air much too long”

So, taking my clue I did a tape of he and I mountain biking and we had to use the gears on the bike to brake, and shift, and in the deep trance state, he moved his hand! The nurses saw the movement and got pretty excited and that kept the team focused on getting his hand working again.

Eventually they started skin graphs to which the docs said, “these won’t work, he’s too badly burned, infections will be hard for his body to handle”

So I did a tape with little paint brushes and hands that would reach out to each other from the surface of the skin to the new skin, and they painted special glue onto the two surfaces one red, one blue, and when they came together it was a beautiful purple, and then the hands CLASPED onto each other. He had very few rejections and zero infections. We were on a roll. At this time a doctor sent a second skin suit for him, it was the latest in this new technology. Things were just flowing into this boy from all places, and with his prognosis so limited, his doctors accepted it all.

They shared he had a lot of pain and discomfort and so we created a ROOM inside his mind, he could go inside when the pain was too HOT and turn all the RED switches to blue. Even the hard to reach ones he could float up and get them all. Turn them all blue.

I reminded him often ‘ _his body knew who it was in it’s “healthy” state_’. It knew himself fully and what it wanted to do, to grow up. It had its own intentions, and he could remember even right now, what it felt like to be healthy and whole. In fact it was only just a few days ago he was in that state, and that for his whole life already he had known himself as fully healthy. This was something completely new and his body wanted to be itself again and knew how to do that.

He was continuing to “remember himself” RE-MEMBER himself to his own template - his remembered self, that was already whole and just there around him

At the wonderful age of 6, we believe in magic, heck Santa Clause is still pretty real. The tooth fairy too. Probably could fly if I really wanted to…

I reminded him too, no matter what challenges he might face, he would always know that he could do whatever he set his mind to. I also suggested to his mom that he continue to use the tapes at home, whenever he needed a reminder of just how truly powerful he really is. All of this continued to future pace his recovery, his full recovery that his body was working every day towards that . And it was future pacing his parents to believe it was all possible too

I had been in hospitals in palliative care for many years, so I also knew when it was with children, well any patient really, nurses and doctors are doing their rounds and parents and family members tend to reach for a moment to talk to them. Often it’s over the patients bed. With children, they don’t really know what the doctor is saying, however, they can read their mother and fathers “energy” and make decisions from that, so I asked this boys mom to ensure they talked to the medical team outside the boys room. When we are healing, it’s often best to let the body and mind have complete rest from what is happening around us, and leave stress, worry and anxiety to those that love us. This way the 100% focus can be shifted to healing and not the forced prognosis that at best, offers opinion based on collective experiences - there’s always the exception and we can chose to be the exception.

We did lots of other things on the tapes too. One was flying a small plane from the ground with a remote, another time flying a kite, running and moving muscles and limbs…remembering …remembering….remembering all the movements, the muscles would make to do these things, and picturing himself in his future … doing all the things he remembered doing.

I had to go to Toronto the last week of October and they were starting the skin graphs , I’d sent the tapes in however, I was nervous for him…on my return they shared the results were promising, the doctors were pleased.

He went home at Christmas that same year, in just a few months time, the boy that wasn’t going to live 10 days, had chosen to recover

January came and I had a presentation to do for Palliative Care, to RN’s on their Professional Development Day. About 250 nurses sat in the crowded conference room, they “had to be there”. They looked exhausted, a little grey around the eyes…overworked and here to listen to a number of dreary presentations because they had to… I started into my presentation on Palliative Care and realized a few were starting to nod off, and tossed it. Instead

I chose to share Cody’s story, with the same excitement and enthusiasm , the child like wonder at this boys creativity, and they began to sit up , a few nodded, recognizing the mechanics of “healing “. You see, we had taken direction from the teams and what they were worried about and reframed it, taking it as the next place we had to go, and facing down the dragons with a 6 year old boys own map of his reality. And this little guy did it. Three of the nurses came up to me after and excitedly shared they were his nurses! And they used to go in and listen to the recordings too! They were the ones that shared the monitors and how the tapes really had helped him rest and stay still while his body healed

They also shared that two helicopter pilots had come in with 3Degree burns to their hands, and Cody would go in each day and share with them how to turn their switches to blue!

He’ll be in his 20’s now, and I had reminded him often, he would one day be as tall as his dad, and that he could keep one tiny scar if he wanted to remind himself of his own incredible super powers.

Looking back on this now, and especially after the recent Healing Summit, I realized I had closed the space between myself and Cody and we worked in a kind of sacred out of time place, it was the sacred space between he and I - soul to soul, just holding space, where he could reach into who he truly was, and we could play and do things and he could heal while we did it. Just for a time he remembered being 6 and without all this pain and his body remembered too

The family moved to another town and started life again. It was a good decision for all of them.

After this time with Cody , I had many other children who somehow got referred to me, and tapes would go forth helping their little beings find the strength to get through health challenges. I tell you this, after every tape was completed and turned over, I wondered if it was the last one, if he might have already died and he hadn’t .

It’s a long time ago now, and of course without the computers to save the recordings, the tapes are long gone. Still my memory of this particular boy - it was a gift to me - it encouraged me to go further and deeper into hypnosis and adding NLP and studying Milton Erickson…and now I understand a little more of what Cody and I were doing way back there. We were just giving ourselves permission to do impossible things and it worked. Daring , really daring to go beyond the limitations of an incredible trauma into a world where healing became optional , a matter of choice .

NLP & Hypnotherapy Licensed Training
S.M.A.R.T Goals - Well Formed Outcomes

Well Formed Outcomes need a plan…and when we take the time to review the plan from every perspective, we can be assured we have something we can use! SMART Goals is the Out-take of Well Formed Outcomes , and its something NLP does exceptionally well. Modelling people who were exceptional achievers created this process of examining the details of any goal and how that made it so much more achievable!

A recent client and I began here, when he wanted to make a purchase of his very first home. At the start he felt it would be years away before he could even consider this. However, once he used SMART goals to examine his process, he was ready to move ahead immediately!

SMART Goals help us examine what we want, and test it’s possibility in our MAP of the world. Remember the old saying:

“If you believe you can or you believe you can’t, you’re right”

So how to use this? Well, take a goal, and I recommend a simple one to start…so you get the point of it. Some people begin here and get really frustrated because it sounds like you are answering the same question multiple times. Take your time, notice the nuances, these little shifts in language give a completely new observation or perspective to the goal.

When you create a goal…it can sit on the shelf for a long time, OR you can run it through SMART GOALS and see if it’s got merit, take action and CREATE.

Enjoy, and remember we’re teaching NLP on line now, so you can add this powerful personal and professional training to your life anytime from the comfort of your own home. Contact me at welterk@shaw.ca for more information.

S.M.A.R.T Goals: Let’s go!

S -Specific in nature

M -Measurable

A -Attainable/Assignable

R- Realistic /Rewarding

T -Timeable/Testable

Stating the goals for this work

1: Positive Terms

2: Describe using feeling language

3: Are the goals, self-initiated and do you control them?

4: In the context of fulfilling your desires

5: Maintaining appropriate secondary gains (what are some pluses)

6: Builds in all the needed resources (who, when, where, how?)

7: Ecologically sound for the whole of the person (does all of you agree)

Stated Positively:

What do you want to achieve out of this exercise?

Have you stated the outcomes in positive terms? (I want, instead of what I don’t want)

What will having this do for you?

DO you see yourself achieving this outcome?

Sensory-Based or feeling language:

What will this look like?

What will it feel like?

What are some of the sounds you might hear associated with achieving this outcome?

Self Initiated & in your control:

Do you and you alone control your outcome?

Does your outcome involve anyone else?

Can you initiate and maintain the resources needed to reach your outcome or goals?

Appropriately Contextualized:

Will this fit all the appropriate contexts of your life?

In what situations would having this become useful or not so useful?

What changes will you accept as the outcome is realized?

Where, when, how and with who do you want to achieve this outcome?

Do you want your outcome all the time, in all places and without any limitations?

Maintain Appropriate Secondary Gains:

All of our behaviour provides us with positive values and outcomes, if it didn’t we would not perpetuate and maintain it. This is known as a secondary gain. We need therefore to preserve the secondary gains from the old behaviours and provide alternative ways of attaining them, for the desired behaviours and changes to become lasting patterns in our lives.

What would you lose if you accomplished this goal?

Would you have to give up anything that you deem important to have this outcome?

What is the secondary gain of the current behaviour and how could you support this when you achieve this primary goal?

Building in the Needed Resources:

What do you have now, and what do you need to get your outcome?

Have you ever done this before?

Do you know anyone who has achieved this result before?

Have you achieved other goals and strengths that might be useful as resources for this goal?

What are those resources and how would they help you with this one?

Testing the Ecology of the system:

If you achieve this outcome, what will happen in your life?

What would happen if you did it?

If you get this, what won’t happen?

If you don’t get it what will happen?

If you don’t get it, what won’t happen?

Assuring the Desired Outcome:

Can I achieve the desired outcome with the current inner states that I have now?

Do I know the first step to take?

Do I feel I can achieve the first step?

If I reach the outcome would it fit with my values?

Can I find more than one way to achieve the outcome?

What appropriate personal beliefs & values exist in the context in which I desire the outcome?

Do I have sufficient information about the internal states necessary for reaching this outcome?

Do I have the image of the outcome firmly in my mind?

Do I have the sounds, images, words and feelings of the desired outcome firmly in my mind?

Practitioner Reviews
(1 review)
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Oliver Nolan3y

Hello. What’s the type of your MP3, is it with the voice recordings or special music for relaxation?

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Chakra Balancing
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Day 4 : Heart Chakra
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Day 6 : Third Eye Chakra
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Day 7 : Crown Chakra
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  • Video on various meditation postures and breathing techniques
  • Chakra Balancing Manual
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We all are getting a big serving of stress, anxiety and uncertainty every day. A regular practice of Yoga prepares you to handle the stresses of life with ease. You learn how to release stress so it does not accumulate and create dis-ease.

This is your golden opportunity to setup a consistent daily practice. Do not miss out! Best part of all, it is just $10.

Day 1: Tech Neck/Shoulders and Wrists stretching
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Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 2: Hamstrings stretching
Overview: Work into some traditional poses and loosen up hamstrings to help prevent back pain, knee pain, and foot pain and rediscover freedom in movement.
Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 3: Core strengthening
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Duration ~ 30 Minutes

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Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 5: Hip opening
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Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Sign up and I will send you the details.

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  • Psychological reversal
  • Physical problems and pain removal
  • Releasing the emotional charge from events inthe past such as guilt, anger, grief and sadness
  • Low of Attraction
  • Cure yourself by the Hidden Powers of your body
  • Aline to the lows of nature
  • Create a new you
By registered users: 13