No two people are alike and one pill doesn't fix all. If you are confused and overwhelmed with the amount of health information on the internet and you are looking to uncomplicated your healthcare, then genomics is the right answer for you.
During this consult, I will help you discover if you are a candidate for genomics and the steps you must take to unlock your own DNA to resolve most if not all your health issues. Genomic analysis provides a personalized health care method that allows individuals to gain clarity and control over their health.
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About Ibby Omole Dr. Omole is a licensed naturopathic physician and acupuncturist. She has a BSc in Biology, two Masters degrees in Environmental Studies and Acupuncture and a doctorate in Naturopathic medicine. She helps people transform their health from the inside out by focusing on genomics, nutrition, physical movement, stress management, sleep and social connection using research based methods. |
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