
A 60 minutes LIVE workshop in which I will be debunking some insight on how you can CREATE the HEALTHIEST version of yourself.

And by “healthiest” I mean:

👉🏼 How to reconnect with yourself energetically, emotionally, physically and mentally.

👉🏼 How to go from feeling exhausted to feeling truly alive.

👉🏼 How to embody your Power. Yes, I will give you tips on how you can master feeling AT YOUR BEST.

Sometimes we forget what self care means. Actually, some people don’t know what true self care means… Either way, the truth is that it is a non negotiable practice that it is required if we want to live life at our fullest.

So I will not give you some superficial advice on how to invest your energy in trying to implement “healthy habits”

I will share with you navigation tools so you can really start living from your purpose, with deeper presence, and be your self booster of your own confidence with EASE.

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Harmony Major3y ago

Hi Michelle. I don't know if you're still around, as you asked this a few months ago. How long have you felt uninspired in this way? How do you feel about the field your degree is in? Do you think that you may be experiencing depression? I hope you feel better soon -- or are already!

Michelle Collins4y ago

Hello! I wish I knew what I wanted in life. I got my bachelor’s degree and have some work experience already but I feel like I’m never gonna be happy. Nothing inspires me, nothing makes me passionate. Do you have any advice on how to find my purpose?

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