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healing session
$400 USD
$400 USD

Land & House Healing
The clearing and healing of land, homes and business premises. This work may take anything from several hours to half a day or so and it includes the healing and clearing of Geopathic stress, spirit release, imprints, memories, sometimes curses or paranormal activity. Please me for more information on healing houses and land.

What happens when houses are cleared of these negative energies?

When a house or property, is having ongoing problems, the chances are it is affected by Geopathic stress or earth bound spirits (spirits who have not passed) for example. It could also mean that something has happened in the past and the memory is still lingering on. Past traumas can become locked in buildings or grounds or be held by people. Perhaps water below the surface of the place is contaminated, holds a memory, or past lives need to clear and energy flow is stagnant. Finding the cause and healing it can lead to a wonderfully healthy and happy environment for all.

The experienced Geopathic therapist tunes into the energy fields that cause the problems removing and rebalancing them to a healthy, balanced state for all concerned.

Imprints on land: what are they?

Land, like everything has memory; it can be happy or sad. Did you ever feel uncomfortable in a place? Felt threatened and could not wait to get away? What you are feeling could be an imprint or a memory from the past. It may be from a battle, a famine, from hunger, death, sacrifice, murder, anger or even a curse. Living in or around these types of energies is not good for your wellbeing, it can drain your energy making you tired, run down or ill.

Commercial properties or houses that are on the market for long periods of time and don’t appear to be selling may have imprints or negative energies holding them back. This could also be because of trapped spirits attached to the place through an event that has happened in the past.

Businesses that are unsuccessful or workplaces that have low morale and high levels of staff off sick may also be also be affected by Geopathic stress and negative energies. Again, these imprints and energies can be released and healed.

Land or house can also have a curse on it from previous times. There could be a Spirit Line going threw causing paranormal activity and if 2 lines eg: a Geopathic Stress line and a Spirit Line crossing over this can cause a portal causing more sickness and activity in the land or house.

Love and Light

Joanna Rose Tierney

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Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Hello I am a Shaman Healer from Ireland. I have been practicing for many years now & love what I do. I work on people all over the world. I work with spirit, ancestors & the Universal force of light. I remove curses, hexs and spells. I do innerchild, past lives, demonic enties & ghost removal, ancestral healing, Chakra Balancing & clearing. the final part is Soul Retrieval.

On Core Spirit since January 2021

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