In this workshop, u will learn about hypnotherapy, the mind model, myths and misconceptions, how to do a pre- talk with a client, how to do regressions and future pacing, and finally emergence. This workshop will give u a comprehensive idea about hypnotherapy practice.
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About Healing Through Hypnotherapy Hello. I am Merry, a certified hypnotherapist on my mission of helping people heal themselves. Hypnotherapy is a fast, safe and effective healing modality that directly addresses the subconscious mind where forgiveness of self, forgiveness of others and true inner healing happens. I help people having anxiety, panic attacks, depression, toxic attachments to people or substances,… |
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There is a belief that is very common in the hypnosis community that remembering and re-living childhood trauma will help you relieve it. The process is called hypnotic regression.
There are several problems with using hypnotic regression to heal from trauma:
Here is what I recommend:
I’ve been trying different kinds of therapy, but I can’t remember my childhood trauma to relieve it. Can hypnotherapy help me? How does it work?