Health Habits & Accountability Coaching- Discovery session

coaching session
$10 USD
$10 USD

Sleep. Fitness. Nutrition. Mindfulness.

The idea of bringing value into people’s lives, and constantly learning from these interactions keeps me motivated. I believe in Psychology's potential to play a crucial role in one’s road to excellence, happiness, and long-term physical and mental health.

I am successful in helping people who want to improve but:

Struggle to set goals and/or lack the motivation to attain them
Struggle to manage their time
Lack focus and energy
Lack confidence and engage in negative self-talk
Fail to get a good night's sleep
Fail to adhere to healthy fitness & nutrition routines

Why should you choose me to be your guide?

BSc in Psychology
MSc in Sport & Exercise Psychology
Background in Neuroscience
4 years of experience and dozens of happy clients

I am fully dedicated to understanding your specific situation so I can tailor my approach and apply appropriate science-based techniques to help you fulfill your potential.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." - Will Durant

Get in touch to discuss your goals!

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Provided By
Nade Tomić, Niš, Serbia

I am Luka, Sport & Exercise Psychologist with 4 years of experience with online consultations. My formal education includes BSc in Psychology and MSc in Sport & Exercise Psychology. I am passionate about helping clients establish healthy sleep, nutrition, exercise and mindfulness habits by applying psychology and neuroscience techniques.

On Core Spirit since July 2022

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