Most governments of this world DO program and mind control their population for obvious reasons. Especially the militaries of the world: all military personnel is microchipped and specifically programmed. Why is this done? Simply because the ruling elites are afraid they are going to turn on them one day.
All global population is 100% programmed (subconscious mind control by TV, radio, cell phone frequencies, food, nanites in the air from chemtrails), just to name a few. However, about 5-10% of the world population has SPECIAL programming versus the GENERAL, as in the entire population. These special individuals are selected according to their genetics, and other factors.
MONARCH is one such popular programming type and is a division of a much broader "MK ULTRA" umbrella program. Most pop icons, actors, celebrities have one or several Monarch sub-programming matrices in them.
For example, Monarch ALPHA is more general programming of base control personality. It is done to enhance memory, strength, and visuals (as in the infamous "Super Soldier" programming, military brainwashing techniques).
Monarch BETA is sexual slave programming that eliminates moral convictions & stimulates primitive sexual instincts.
Monarch DELTA is "killer" programming for special Ops/Agents/Contractors (e.g. Bourne Identity), etc.
Monarch THETA is psychic programming & mind control techniques for those with enhanced telepathic ability.
Monarch OMEGA is self-destruct programming geared towards corresponding suicidal/ self-harm behavior. It is activated when the asset is captured.
Monarch GAMMA is deception programming & mind control connected to demonology. These people hear voices in their heads. "Voice Of God" technology is part of this, as well.
Mind control techniques as well as brainwashing techniques is done covertly, i.e. subconscious mind control.
In these sessions, we will employ the best cutting-edge deprogramming techniques that will allow you to start feeling clarity.
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