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Life changing! Identify and clear out negative beliefs that are holding you back in life in every area.

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Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Psychologist, specialized in Para psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Emotional Trauma Therapy.
I believe that positive change begins with self-awareness and empathy. I provide a safe, non-judgmental space for my clients to explore their emotions, uncover underlying patterns, and develop effective strategies for lasting improvement.
Currently working on helping my clients better dealing with anxiety, depression, burn-out, anger, substance abuse, stress, panic attacks

On Core Spirit since March 2020


If we feel hate: it means that something or someone is actively diminishing us. Or it can also be said as hate towards our life is being lowered by someone or something.

Animals don’t hate, we are supposed to be better than them.

We of course feel bad when feeling hate, for the very reason that an active problem is present and it requires our attention to resolve then particular problem.

Hate is not an emotion to bottle up: to do so is very dangerous as it means you are bottling up an extremely negative process. Holding hate is something most people cannot do safely, and it quickly ends up re-projecting outward to then hurt many of those innocents around us.

Hate is just a composite emotion.

It’s a Judgement which always Directing Anger

A deeper part of the problem is that, anger itself is another composite emotion which is often a mix consisting of frustration and survival.

So a four letter word HATE, deals with four levels of emotions such as ANGER, FRUSTRATION, FEAR and ANXIETY.

With this information, it now becomes possible to work against hate from several different angles. The high-level process is: “when feeling hate: it’s time to begin a process of release.”

Since hate is a composite emotion, you can focus on the sub-elements first rather than the entirety of hate. For most people to work on the final entangled feelings are too complicated, and it quickly becomes a process of spinning around the issues rather than dealing directly with the roots of the problem. By focusing on the individual sub-elements, you can quickly unravel or release the hate all together. Which could hurt people who are just not at right position to understand it.

By focusing on the individual sub-elements, you can quickly unravel the hate all together.

Remove the judgements which drives the feelings of anger.

To move on with our own life without attachment to where our feelings of hate arise.

think out of the box ,create different perspectives on your interpersonal experience.

Sometimes being compassionate is to walk away without saying anything.

No need to answer , take a break. At times no answer is the best answer.

Take the time to focus releasing all of the anger.

it isn’t always easy to walk away from hate. However, due to the way humans mature, there are times when we’re energised to change. One example of this is midlife crisis.

At these moments, you have a limited window to push and make changes in your life.

Don’t waste these key moments of life where we’re energised to change. Your window to change will only be present for 2 or 3 years. Understand, It takes empowerment to change;

if you are in a situation where your power is being taken away, it is harder to walk away from hate. This sometimes means the first step to removing hate is empowering yourself and using your new power to drive away from the hate.

When encountering hate, examine the feelings surging in your core being. In smaller steps work to heal the damage, pain, anger, frustration, and judgments in play. If it isn’t possible to release the root aspects where the hate is stemming from, then release the full package by moving on with your life.

The world is a vast place with many answers;

Understand hate is a powerful emotion, (powerful enough to destroy nations as WWII showed) Hate exists for a reason, it’s an unconscious reaction to lash out at what seems to be harming or diminishing us. Hate isn’t something to ignore, or you can hope will go away. Unfortunately, you need to actively work at releasing this poison when it’s found digging into your soul.

Everlasting pain blinds our brain, which is toxic at end of the day, so let’s empower our self to walk away from hate. This is going to be a release mechanism or our new power to restore ourselves with only benefits and positive energy around us.

you won’t help anyone stuck trying to fix a problem you aren’t in a position to resolve positively.

In other words, hate can never be held: release hate, or it destroys the heart where it resides. Keeping to this emotion, only leaves destruction.

Hate is anger’s perception to destruction of our personal life and thoughts.

So when painful feelings of hate, be acutely aware and work towards discovering release, Being human we all will have felt this emotion at some point in our life, But also find it’s a lesson in how to release towards a better life.

Core-spirit teaches from a wide collection of tools that will help you find inner peace and release anger in very understanding and short manner based on your psychological stress and inner strength to overcome problems easily which are often addressing deeper truths require external assistance to gain new answers that rule out the internal conflict a person is having.


Most people who are engaging in eating behaviour either as a matter of survival or as a hobby (foodie) or as an addict to food, normally every day. That is, one has to make choices about what to eat, when, and how much.

In connection to our past, however, whose primary task was to seek out any food that would provide energy and nutrients, those choices have become more difficult nowadays. In modern societies in particular, food is abundant, cheap or costly , and available in a great variety.

Moreover, eating is a fundamentally rewarding behaviour, and is thus intrinsically linked to mood, emotions and psychology of that one person.Because of this, we felt that the creation of a new section about determining and causes of eating behaviour and mechanisms of its modulation is warranted.

The aim of core spirit in Eating Behaviour is to build knowledge for the understanding of eating behaviour by bringing together academics with different expertise, e.g., researchers investigating basic processes related to eating behaviour, clinical researchers examining the psychological, physiological, and nutritional aspects of eating disorders such as clinical psychologists, physicians, and other health care professionals. As still, this new specialty section is the first and only time in open access publishing with a breadth of scope on eating behaviour embracing various methodologies, and study opportunities

Especially when the humans are energy deficient, a complex interplay of physiological processes the signals in brain that food should be consumed, i.e., an individual feels hungry. When enough food has been consumed, these processes signal that consumption should be terminated, i.e., an individual can be high on food consumed

Nevertheless, this homeostatic regulation of eating is constantly challenged and overridden by the presence of food(anywhere). That is, eating can be triggered even in the absence of hunger or extended beyond Numerous factors are known that determine or guide eating behaviour in an automatic and implicit fashion.

For instance, eating may be initiated or prolonged by the presence of others, i.e., is influenced by social factors. Food choices and consumption are also strongly influenced or coaxed by many environmental factors, e.g., advertising, packaging, portion sizes, lighting, and many. As a consequence, constant monitoring and self-regulation of eating is necessary in order to eat healthily, i.e., to provide the body with the right nutrients. At the same time, eating healthily also means to be able to enjoy food without falling prey to over eating.

Due to OVER CONSCIOUS-NESS about food intake may cause a few problems :

Many individuals are able to do this successfully, yet some exhibit over-regulation of eating behaviour resulting in underweight and malnutrition. Cases of anorexia nervosa have been known for a long time.

On the other side of the extreme, permanent failures of self-regulation may result in overweight and obesity. As with anorexia, obesity is an age-old health condition ,but its prevalence has dramatically increased in the second half of the twentieth century .

While prevalence rates in western countries appear to stabilise, rates of severe obesity continue to grow and newly developing countries seem to record increase in disorders due to lack of care takers and awareness all over.

In most cases, obesity is the result of poor dietary habits – rather than compulsive eating binges – which contribute to a modest average daily excess of energy intake over energy expenditure. Some individuals, however, show regular binge eating which is defined as consuming large amounts of food over a discrete period of time with a sense of lack of control over eating, and which is associated with marked over stress. Regulating of binge eating disorder (BED) is increased in obese individuals, but not all patients with BED are necessarily obese. Furthermore, there are some individuals who engage in regular binge eating but use compensatory behaviours like vomiting/ nausea to prevent weight gain. Hence, patients with bulimia nervosa (BN) are mostly normal-weight

Unlike anorexia and obesity, BED, and BN have been first described in the twentieth century but their research history yet encompasses several decades. Both eating disorders and obesity involve medical complications and are marked by psychological distress and co-morbid mental disorders , of which mood and anxiety disorders are the most prevalent . Therefore, it is of no surprise that there are numerous scientific journals, which are devoted to publishing research on the etiology and treatment of those disorders.

In addition to eating disorders and obesity, there are a vast number of eating behaviours that deserve scientific scrutiny and discussion. For instance, there are some problematic eating behaviours that are not included in the current diagnostic manuals, but are continuously debated in terms of their clinical relevance. e.g., night eating, orthorexia or food addiction.

Moreover, there is an array of eating behaviours that do not reflect disordered eating per se, but nonetheless seem to be associated with occasional overeating and moderate overweight, e.g., restrained or emotional eating. Accordingly, it has been observed by researches from 2011(link in REFERENCES). that some eating behaviours can be mapped onto a continuum ranging from normal to disordered eating. This eating methodology psychology will help a lot of people to stick to their diet without catching up to a dietary/psychological disorders

Thus, we encourage researchers to break away from isolated, categorical views on normal vs. disordered eating, homeostatic vs. hedonic concepts, or physiological vs. psychological mechanisms. We hope that core spirit in psychology/Behaviour will increase the awareness of a more comprehensive view on eating behaviour and advance our understanding of a behaviour that is essential for our survival as individuals and as healthy humans.


1.Disorders. Series: Oxford Library of Psychology, ed. W. S. Agras (New York: Oxford University Press), 180–205.

2.Overweight, and Obesity – Self-Regulation in a Food-Rich Environment, ed. W. Stroebe (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association), 59–92.

This article was submitted to core spirit for a specialty of users in Psychology.

Copyright © 2020. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in other forums, provided the original authors and source are credited and subject to any copyright notices concerning any third-party graphics etc.

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Amanda Smith3y ago

Hello! How many times do I have to attend this session to see the result?

Emma Stone3y ago

Hello! I feel dissatisfied with my life. I don't seem to be doing everything the way I should. Can you tell me if your course can help me deal with this?

Michelle Collins3y ago

Hello! I wish I knew what I wanted in life. I got my bachelor’s degree and have some work experience already but I feel like I’m never gonna be happy. Nothing inspires me, nothing makes me passionate. Do you have any advice on how to find my purpose?