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Crack Anxiety

coaching session
$120 USD
$120 USD

Do you suffer from Anxiety and Panic Attacks, that affect your life?

Anxiety is caused by the thoughts you have, which medication alone can’t cure.
Using a combination of Talk Therapy and EFT you can control your thoughts and clear the negative emotions that trigger your anxiety.

You don’t have to live in fear of having another anxiety attack.

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Provided By
Malpas SY14, UK

Do you suffer from Anxiety and Panic attacks?

Would you like to feel calm and improve your confidence and self esteem about your ability to cope with everyday life?

Having cured my long term chronic anxiety and depression using EFT ( Tapping), I qualified as a practitioner so I can now help others, control their thoughts, release negative emotions, clear past traumas and improve their health.

On Core Spirit since July 2020

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Sherry Turnbull3y ago

Hello. Could you please tell me how many sessions are necessary to start noticing the results? Thanks

Hi Taysha, I’m not a doctor, so I don’t have the answer to your question.

What I can say is that there was a person with severe anxiety in a FB group yesterday who was asking advice on if she could “up” her medication as it wasn’t helping. I got on a call with her and was able to show her a technique that calmed her down and lowered her anxiety to the point where she was laughing at the end of the call. So I can help your friend to lower her anxiety and even find the cause of why she becomes anxious, Whether that will help her enough for her to then get advice about reducing or not taking her medication from her doctor is something she will then have to decide, if she wants to do that.

If she did feel better and got advice from her Doctor, I could also work with her to help her feel confident about what to do, if she felt overly anxious on occasion, so that she could start reducing her medication, and ultimately stop taking it, if the doctor said that was a possibility

Taysha Duckworth3y ago

Hello Suzanne! Asking for a friend. She struggles with severe anxiety and is currently on medications. If she was to work with you, would she be able to ditch the pills right away?

Equine-assisted therapy
Suzanne Ellison
Jul 29, 2024, 11:00
Crack Anxiety

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