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Chakra Reading

healing session
$33 USD
$33 USD

This is a reading and clearing that I do before my session with you, where I create a detailed report which is emailed directly to you and then we discuss and coach around the topics coming up in your chakras and energy fields. It's a very dynamic session that's an unforgettable experience to say the least! What I love about this work is that the body gets a chance to speaks its truths and I aid you to shift in a supported and caring way to heal.

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Streetsboro, OH, USA

Hello ,
Nice to meet you, my name is Amanda M Dodd, I am a clinical hypnotherapist, coach, medium, and mind-body wellness practitioner.

Im also a Reiki Master & Teacher, I adore creating dynamic sessions with NLP, Yoga, Breathwork, QHHT and mindfulness to bring you profound shifts in our work together. I hold a myriad of tools at my fingertips to help you sustain and support your wellness.

On Core Spirit since February 2021

Amanda Dodd
Aug 2, 2024, 13:00
Mediumship Reading
Connecting with a loved one in Spirit can be deeply cathartic, aid in easing grief, affirm that love lives on beyond death, and help us feel more supported. In a mediumship reading with me, we will work together to connect to your loved ones present in y…
Past Life Regression
Amanda Dodd
Aug 2, 2024, 13:00
Past Life Regression
Explore your past lives and lessons learned, release old energy patterns and blocks from creating the a life of more. Learn about how your past lives may be influencing your current life and make shifts. Connect to previous skills and abilities to help yo…
Clinical Hypnosis (Hypnotherapy)
Amanda Dodd
Aug 2, 2024, 13:00
Clinical Hypnotherapy For Wellness
Healing is an explorative journey, and there is no better guide on you than you! The part of you that knows, remembers, has recorded every detail of your life and feelings is called the unconscious mind. Through deep relaxation, I can guide you into a pea…
Career Coaching
Amanda Dodd
Aug 2, 2024, 13:00
Transforming challenges into choices and changes, that’s what coaching is all about! Where are you feeling stuck, running into blocks, or need help creating structure and positive habits to reach your goals?! This is where I can hold space for you to unfo…
Chakra Balancing
Amanda Dodd
Aug 2, 2024, 13:00
Chakra Reading
This is a reading and clearing that I do before my session with you, where I create a detailed report which is emailed directly to you and then we discuss and coach around the topics coming up in your chakras and energy fields. It’s a very dynamic session…

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