Henrik Bisbo4y agoLecture

Hi Michelle. Our lectures cover a wide range of topics from a general introduction to astrology (a huge eye-opener to most non-astrologers) to more in-depth workshops on particularly team dynamics. We do the latter for companies, families, groups of friends, etc. Recently we have also lectured on more specific subjects like "Finding Your Element", "Jung's Relationship with Astrology" and also on the Covid-19 virus. Presently we are preparing a lecture on Synchronicity to be delivered later this year. So, our customers have a wide range of topics to choose from. These days everything takes place online, which of course opens up the world for all of us. Just let us know what you would like to know more about. Write us at BA@bisboadvisory.com or visit our website at Bisboadvisory.com. All the best, Henrik

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