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Alexis Suarez2y ago

13 Rules for Maintaining Fortitude

We all understand that in order to become successful in anything, it is necessary to make great efforts not only on what we are doing, but first of all, to make efforts in self-development, in working on ourselves. If a person has not formed as a strong personality, there is a great chance that on the way to the goal he will encounter an obstacle that will break him and he will give up. Below are the main rules that allow you to develop, strengthen and maintain your fortitude:

  1. Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself.
  2. Not using your power
  3. Don't be afraid of change
  4. Don't waste energy on things you can't control
  5. Don't worry about pleasing everyone.
  6. Do not be afraid of reasonable risk
  7. Do not regret the past
  8. Don't repeat your mistakes
  9. Don't be jealous of other people's success
  10. Don't give up after failure
  11. Do not be afraid of loneliness
  12. Don't feel like the world owes you something.
  13. Don't expect quick results


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