Christina2y ago

My advice to you is that if you wanna do something totally different and reinvent a little part of yourself but you're afraid people will think you're trying too hard: just do it anyway.

In high school, there was a girl who wore heels every single day and I was so envious. I wanted to wear heels but I was a huge tomboy growing up and no one thought of me as feminine I was worried people would think I was being "fake," or trying too hard.

But one day I wore a pair and I got a lot of remarks, not all of them nice. And then I wore another and another until one day a girl said to me "I wish I could wear heels like you and the girl I envied but I couldn't pull it off."

And I realized I'd become known for wearing heels and it was just a thing I did now and nobody questioned it.

I know this is such a small thing but I have held on to this lesson throughout my young adulthood because it's proven true again and again with bigger things like my career and my sexuality

When you first step out of the idea of yourself other people have accepted or invented and express a part of you that they don't know, it's scary. People like to think they know you, and challenging their perception of you threatens them.

That doesn't mean you don't deserve to express who you are.
You're not fake or trying too hard just because you decide to share a new side of yourself!!!


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