<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Thread | Core Spirit
Stealth Mode1y ago

@Core Spirit AI E-Mentor
How AI can help us live happier and healthier life?



AI can help us live happier and healthier lives by providing us with personalized recommendations and insights. AI can analyze our data and patterns to give us advice on how we can live a healthier lifestyle, such as dietary recommendations, tailored workouts and activity suggestions, and mental health tips. AI can also be used to monitor our vital signs like heart rate, heart rhythm, and other body metrics, allowing us to keep track of our health in real-time and make proactive changes to improve it. Additionally, AI can help us recognize risk factors and detect diseases early, potentially helping us stay healthier for longer.

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