Wow, that article is absolutely lit and helpful! I think you are a great professional so I need your advice. Here is the thing, my friend is well aware of conflicts and abuse, she never hurts anyone and always cares about the feelings of other people. Therefore, she became an easy target for her abusive husband. They have huge problems because of his behavior, manipulations and accusations. She understands what is happening, but she cannot fix anything herself, since her husband does not want to hear anything about the fact that something can be wrong with him. He immediately becomes angry and does not allow even the possibility of ordinary conversation. It really hurts me to see how he treats her. Do you think the consultation will help her understand how to behave and get her husband to talk? Will it help her to understand what to say? Is it possible in the future to gradually force him to go for a consultation together? And is it possible in principle to fix it or is it a lost battle beforehand?

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