
Chaos Magic
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Chaos Magic

Chaos Magic
Cybernetic Shamanism
If nothing was bored enough to create everything, then everything wanted it all, until there was nothing more to desire. Where does that leave us Mortals? In a right pile of Ontological Diarrhoea, is probably a close answer. A world where simplicity is o…
By registered users: 12
Chaos Magic
10 Top Tips for Destroying Rat Race Doctrine
Don’t worry what others think of you. You will never please them all so don’t waste energy trying. Do what you enjoy, find likeminded. Be kind but not foolish. Many trends and teachings perpetuate the idea of bending your will to others wishes. Wear your…
By registered users: 7
Chaos Magic
Marian Yates
Chaos Magic: Fracking the Spirit World
Ideological ossification is a challenge right across the magical spectrum but it is potentially more of a concern with chaos magic because there is a tendency to believe its own hype, or to parrot ‘cutting edge’ notions that are now entering their third d…
By registered users: 14
Chaos Magic
Marian Yates
The Nightmare World of Austin Osman Spare
If you were an art student in Britain in the last decades of the 20th century, you would have been extremely fortunate to learn of the existence of Austin Osman Spare (1886-1956), “one of the greatest living draughtsmen” as he was described within his lif…
By registered users: 83
Chaos Magic
Marian Yates
The Open Secret-Perception
A unified reality in which there are “not two” or there is “nothing apart” surely confirms the illusory nature of separation. If separation is illusory, then any attempt to not be separate is rooted in a dualistic perspective. So the basic principle of …
By registered users: 9
Chaos Magic
Marian Yates
The Father Of Fractal Geometry Reveals How He Discovered The Pattern That Connects EVERYTHING In The Universe!
“Everything is connected to everything else.” – Leonardo DaVinci Benoit B. Mandelbrot was just a boy when he discovered that he had a talent for Math. However, it didn’t take a while until he discovered that his talent was something else entirely than ju…
By registered users: 29
Chaos Magic
Demi Powell
Book on Modern Magic [Review]
Pathways in Modern Western Magic is Concrescent Press’s reply to the conditions of contemporary academic publishing—an activity that, especially for scholars of area studies, is at best difficult and at worst, financially untenable. The book is the first …
By registered users: 6
Chaos Magic
Marian Yates
“Mysticore” is the New Norm: Inside the Trend That’s Casting its Spell over the Culture
Welcome to the season of the witch. Recently, the Brooklyn Academy of Music hosted a Witches Brew film festival, which included the acclaimed new film “The Witch.” Lately it isn’t uncommon to see glossy magazines like Nylon with headlines that start “The …
By registered users: 12
Chaos Magic
Marian Yates
Real / Living Vampire Glossary
Ever wondered what Vampires are talking about? Every community has its own lingo and this is the terminology most commonly used terms within the “Vampire Community” or “VC” and the Vampire Subculture. Ambient Feeding - The most basic of all energy feedin…
By registered users: 42
Chaos Magic
Stephan Howard
How to Cleanse Crystals
Sunlight = Set out on a bright sunny day and let the sun do the work (Notes) Some crystals like (Ametrine, Aventurine, Apatite, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Citrine, Calcite, Celestite, Chrysoprase, Kunzite, Sapphire, Fluorite, Rose Quartz, and Smokey Qu…
By registered users: 8
Chaos Magic
Demi Powell
Synchronicities: Are You Noticing Them?
What brought you here? Why in this very moment when you could be anywhere doing anything, is it that you have found yourself on this blog? Chances are that you saw the image and it made sense to you! Do you see 11:11? Does it boggle your mind and at times…
By registered users: 16
Chaos Magic
Marian Yates
Quantum Tarot Technique: Be the Creator of Your Own Destiny
Here’s a simple exercise which will expand your knowledge of the Tarot and channel the accurate and visionary wisdom of the Tarot at the same time! The reason I love this technique so much is that it uses the principles of Quantum physics – but don’t worr…
By registered users: 3
Chaos Magic
Marian Yates
All About Chaos Magick
Chaos magic is difficult to define because definitions are comprised of common components, and by definition chaos magic has none. In short, chaos magic is about using whatever ideas and practices are helpful to you at the moment, even if they contradict …
By registered users: 35