What is 3D to 5D shift

Pauline Dougald
Core Spirit member since Oct 12, 2021
2m read
·Dec 3, 2021

When you think about this abstract concept of 5D what comes to mind?

It is a rather new concept and it is often used in the same context as 3D.

Well, what is 3D then?

The easiest way to look at the two is if you compare it to the tree.
The roots of the tree are 3D and the branches are the 5D.

3D is very dense, heavy and earthy vibration. It is necessary for life to take root in this dimension, but eventually things have to grow upwards.

The tree must have roots or there is no tree.
It must be firmly rooted into the ground, but the canopy is where all the fun happens.

Its where birds weave their nests, its where we can see the procession of seasons, its the part that withstands the strongest winds and also creates unimaginable beauty.

That is how 5D consciousness is like compared to 3D.

In 3D everything is heavy and hard. All goals are achieved through endless struggle, there is competition, scarcity and all kinds of expressions of low vibration. And as unappealing as it sounds - without it we would just float up into space.

We need to be grounded, even if its not pleasant at times.

But all of our creation and expansion and beauty as humans, comes from the upper levels of vibration and from higher levels of consciousness.

In order for us to do something for the duration of this life - we need to have fun in addition to all the grind.

But we are so used to the heaviness of this realm and lower levels that we forget that there is a whole another world of possibilities that is open to us.

All we have to do is become aware of it and take steps to untagle ourselves from all the vines that are dragging us down.

Those things usually show us as fears, self imposed limitations, wounds, negative emotions and other things we have put away in the dark corners of our soul.

So if you want to experience this life here from the top of the tree branches and sing with the birds and absorb the sun and have wind flow through your branches - you need to see what it is that you need to release, transmute or heal.

Become aware through being with yourself and listening to your inner voice.

The path to 5D is not through doing, but trhough listening and then being!

Happy travels!

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