<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> TOP-5 CORE SPIRIT BEST practitioners, May 2020 | Core Spirit

TOP-5 CORE SPIRIT BEST practitioners, May 2020

Jan 12, 2021
Core Spirit Ratings
Core Spirit member since Mar 16, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

We score our practitioners according to their activity: including published articles, added services and provided videos for Сore Spirit recovery marathon.

If you want to be included in the list, register as a practitioner, add your services, write articles and… let’s meet in the next list!

The best (most active) practitioners of this month are:

1. Australia’s premier Transformation Coach Dawn Cady is our leader! Dawn developed her own method, which combines the world’s best healing techniques to save you from chronic pain! https://corespirit.com/practitioners/14532

2. Norman W. Wilson, Ph.D. is a shamanic healer, a Reiki Master, a certified crystal healer, a spiritual counselor, also he is certified as a cognitive-behavioral therapist. He said that his first doctorate is in the humanities and his second is in metaphysical humanism. https://corespirit.com/practitioners/13821

3. Tammy Majchrzak is a Spiritual Teacher, Archangel Metatron Channel, and Ascension Guide with over 20 years of experience in Ascension dynamics. She records a few truly outstanding videos for Core Spirit and writes outstanding articles giving you a unique feeling. Read them and book a session with Tammy here https://corespirit.com/practitioners/14505

4. One more shaman in our rating truly proves his place, his wonderful articles and videos inspired us a lot! Meet Mark Perkins, a Shamanic healer, and guide along your conscious path to Oneness! https://corespirit.com/practitioners/14432

5. The “election” of the 5th finalist was accompanied by fierce debate. Finally, we decided to include both nominees. So, here we go.

5 a) Our astrologer and Tarot reader Tania Padley is willing to be of assistance to help you find your footing when you have slipped off the path. https://corespirit.com/practitioners/14676

5 b) Personal Development Coach Katya Alves. Helping you to live your life free of all negative emotional beliefs, inner conflict, and self-doubt. https://corespirit.com/practitioners/14524

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