The 7 universal Laws

Darren Peters
Core Spirit member since Dec 8, 2020
3m read
·Dec 16, 2020

To understand the depth of understanding and connection I’ve dedicated the past 23 years of my personal and professional development - I’ve decided to share on this platform the 7 universal Laws.

These laws are universal laws that would assist ALL on the journey towards mastery and becoming one of Unity Consciousness with The ALL.

Hermetic Wisdom came from the Greek Deity Hermes, who was also the Atlantan high priest Thoth, and the Ancient Egyptian God Tehuti. He is known Hermes Trismegistus or Thrice Great (being 3x great).

He brought the ancient seekers, initiates and Chelas of the ancient mysteries this knowledge of Hermetic science Magic and Alchemy.

The concept of God in this order is known as the ALL and the ALL is just that, the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual manifestation of ALL existence of creation existing outside and within us ALL.

The Laws

1. The Law of Mentalism

This Law teaches that the ALL in essence is mental and that creation will always be conceptualised from the mental planes of existence. This is the foundation of the laws and the seeker needs to understand that what follows are to be mastered within the mind first, in order to create and manifest change mentally, physically or spiritually.

2. The Law of vibration

This Law teaches that everything oscillates in the universe, everything moves and has motion nothing is still even the dense rock at the bottom of the mountain. Matter vibrates and so does emotion and so does spirit, they just vibrate at different rates and different degrees.

3. The Law of cause and effect.

This Law teaches that every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause, chance is but a law undefined - nothing is by chance all has purpose and cause whether known or unknown.

4. The Law of Correspondence

This laws explains that each plane of existence has its corresponding factors of connection i.e. the mineral kingdom is connected with the plant kingdom which is connected to the animal kingdom and so forth.

As above so below

5. The Law of Polarity

This Law teaches that everything is dual in nature and everything has an opposite and counter force.

E.g. Hot and Cold are not different they are the same thing just at opposite ends of the spectrum of temperature.

6. The Law of Rhythm

This law teaches that in our experience and life this law works like a pendulum swing. The law will compensate and sometime disturb our balance if there is a lack of understanding. The secret to mastery of this law is to find Balance to escape the extreme swings of too much pleasure moving toward too much pain and suffering

7. The Law of Gender

This final Law teaches that in every aspect of the universe there is masculine and feminine qualities even the planets are gender specific with Earth and Venus being feminine planets while Mars and Jupiter are Masculine.

This is a brief snapshot of the laws I share with this platform not only to show my esoteric understanding but also to demonstrate that the Law of Attraction has never been a primary universal Law - yet it’s such a popular concept because it speaks to the laziness of the human mind thinking that it’s as simple as ‘what we think and focus on we attract to our lives’.

The Law of attraction like the Law of Compensation usually only manifests once these primary laws have been mastered first. Just something to think about and please book a coaching session if you want to personally learn more.

Darren Peters
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