What to do to lower stress and boost productivity
What to do to lower stress and boost productivity
Today marks the first day of my Ease-In to my 10th annual Master Cleanse, with my first starting back in 2005, which was a well documented and epic failure.
However, I am grateful today for all the success and abundance The Master Cleanse has brought into my life, and as my life is about to drastically change, with the birth of my first child in early October. change is in the air, soooooo…
I have decided to make this years cleanse a personal program that uses the time and mindset of the process of The Master Cleanse as the framework to “hack” my mind and life into a drastic change that I feel is perfectly timed to declare to the myself (via the entire world), that I am committed to becoming a father my daughter can be grateful for.
So I set about deciding what I wish to change in my life, or what system I wish to cleanse, or which element I wish to detox from, and for me, worry was always at the top of my list, as you might have gathered from the title of this article.
My Commitment to Create New Habits
For months, indeed years, I have been reading about various methods of change, and most recently I spent a sporadic and emotionally turbulent 30 day period with the book “Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself –How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One” by Dr. Joe Dispenza, which was an incredibly powerful period in my life for many what (most of which I’ll leave for another article), but two in particular.
1st, it shown a great big spotlight on a habit of being I badly wanted to change; worry, which had the unfortunate added magnification of coming during a time I was very worried about my health, my life-choices, and how I felt about myself.
Worry was everywhere, as it turned out.
2nd this period showed me that as I do one thing, I do everything.
Yes, I did the meditative exercises most days.
I was sort-of committed.
And I told myself that’s because I was “flexible” –a lifestyle and belief I had meticulously crafted for as long as I’ve been Master Cleansing.
And this half-assed commitment –as it turns out, led me to yet another worry– that I wouldn’t achieve the “success” of my dreams. That I wouldn’t see come to life the visions I had for products I wished to develop, changes I wish to see in the world.
I was, no, I am worried that I wouldn’t matter, in the end.
That I will cave towards a path of least resistance, and succumb to a belief that I just wasn’t good enough to execute such delusions of grandeur.
What’s more, even if I were to persevere towards my dreams, worry still abounds: How would I pay for these business ventures? How will I have enough time to surf? Will I have enough energy left to be a good husband, partner, and father?
I had successfully achieved exactly what I had set out to with my “Freedom 35” agenda just 5 years ago.
I had a passive income producing business that yielded enough revenue to support my travel, surf, explore, flexible, 3-hour work-day lifestyle.
And it was amazing.
But that was so 90’s.
Now that I am 40, that belief is no longer serving my higher self who wishes to produce value on another level.
What I next desired needed an evolution to my systems.
So, I get to re-program and re-design the next 5 years of my life.
Thankfully, my beliefs attracted plenty of opportunities to be exposed to new ideas, especially through my lovely wife/partner/baby-momma, who was always sending me youtube videos on all sorts of topics (like this one, and this one) that were always, seemingly, leading with one single idea that can wipe worry away with a single thought:
When I realized, finally and clearly that worry is the anthesis of gratitude it became clear that gratitude would be at the center of crafting for myself a 30 Day “Custom” Master Cleanse Program.
Having just design The Master Cleanse Program as a foundation for such a customized version of The Master Cleanse, and having recently been through some rather intense “Emotional Intelligence” training, and the aforementioned 30 Day un-committed effort of meditation and breaking bad habits, I now feel invigorated, motivated, and committed to this 30 Day “Worry Cleanse” that I’ve crafted just today as part of the very process and which is based on all that’s been mentioned and linked to heretofore.
Before I layout the program I will briefly summarize the objectives stated in the affirmative (with the negative in parenthesis, which is exactly the mindset I will let go of):
My Objectives (and Fears)
To be grateful each day in all that enables my life. (To not worry about “HOW” it’s all going to happen). To commit to a schedule, and a project, and taking massive action towards its ultimate completion. (To not let flexibility rob me of productivity). To be accountable to my commitment by sharing my progress. (To not secretly know it’s ok to never start because no-one will ever know I didn’t want to). To be focused and empowered to follow my highest excitement. (To not let others agendas, and views dissuade me from following my dreams). To develop new habits of leveraged productivity that allow scalable, sustainable and holistic growth. (To no think I need to work harder, or more, and that I’ll never be able to do it, at least never be able to do it alone, or worse won’t be able to attract the support needed to do it as a team).
The last one is extremely important and sits at the center of this endeavor.
I will develop new habits.
I will be productive on the level that allows for the realization of my dreams.
I will do so while exercising regularly, eating well, loving all-day every-day, and being grateful for each single moment.
Which means, I get to leave you hanging before I reveal “The 30 Day Worry Cleanse Program” (which officially starts Monday September 1st.
Because, I get to be committed to an aspect of the program I’ve designed which dictates 60 minute work sprints, but don’t get me started.
I’ll get back to this tomorrow, as I continue my Ease-In to this Master Cleanse.
I have created a special “Tag” for this series of articles “The Worry Cleanse” so you can see them all.
Between Now and Then, What’s your biggest worry? What habit would you “DETOX” from your life?
Please leave a comment below to share your experience with worry, and dedication to changing your life.
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