Special Investigative Report: Prozac and Naturally Treating Depression the Holistic Way
Special Investigative Report: Prozac and Naturally Treating Depression the Holistic Way
L-tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is found in many foods. It cannot be produced by the body itself, so it must be gained through a healthy diet, or through supplementation. It is the active compound inside of turkey that causes drowsiness, and turkey is the greatest natural source for it. L-tryptophan was a very common dietary supplement before being blocked by the F.D.A. in 1989. It was used as a natural and holistic treatment for depression, and as a sleep aid.
It is widely believed that the body uses L-tryptophan as a building material to produce serotonin as needed. This is technically not true, as will be explained later. There is a greater efficacy from L-tryptophan supplements than pharmaceutical S.S.R.I. (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) anti-depressants, because supplemental L-tryptophan helps a body to naturally regulate its own serotonin more effectively, so that there will never be too little or too much. In addition, it helps the body to produce lactic acid, which has its own effect upon mood regulation.
We cannot forget to mention that as a natural substance, L-tryptophan cannot be monopoly patented, which was a big concern for the F.D.A. and its business partner, Eli Lilly (maker of Prozac), during the late 1980’s. In the fall of 1989, the F.D.A. banned L-tryptophan sales, claiming that it caused a rare and deadly flu-like condition known as eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome. The F.D.A. allegation was dishonest following the usual pattern regarding herbs and supplements. L-tryptophan is merely a naturally occurring amino acid that is already found inside our foods. In other words, all of us would be in serious trouble if the F.D.A. cronies had been telling the truth about L-tryptophan
The illnesses reported by the F.D.A. were actually caused by toxic impurities in specific L-tryptophan products, which were imported by a Japanese manufacturer. The manufacturer was found to have been secretly experimenting with a genetically engineered bacteria, in an attempt to speed the production process and efficacy of its tryptophan products. Mixing a G.E. neurotoxin with a neurotransmitter precursor like L-tryptophan results in accelerated excitotoxin reactions beyond what is normally biologically possible. It was a process of mixing something like aspartame with a bio-engineered, bio-toxic, nervous system stimulant together: only worse. The deadly end product of this engineering was never L-tryptophan, but it was the ammunition that the F.D.A. had been waiting for. The Japanese company was likely paid to taint its own products by the U.S. biotechnology industry, because the biotechnology industry would win regardless of the product’s success or failure.
E.M.S. was relabeled to ‘fibromyalgia’, since “the cause” (L-tryptophan) was removed from the market, and it occurred anyway. A completely different disease was created by fiat, which conveniently had exactly the same symptoms. This way, L-tryptophan was still guilty. This is the usual pattern for how F.D.A. science works to remove unpatentable pharmaceutical competition. No action was ever taken against the Japanese company responsible for the poisoned L-tryptophan products, by the way, and its involvement was abruptly hushed. Instead of dealing with the manufacturer, or the issues concerning the importation of contaminated products, the F.D.A. completely banned L-tryptophan as an illegal product on March 22nd, 1990. It is currently legal again. Tryptophan is widely used by the health conscious and in alternative medicine.
Prozac was officially approved by the F.D.A. in December of 1987, but the sneaky marketing scheme had not yet been employed. That’s where that story gets interesting. Just four days after the F.D.A. ban on L-tryptophan, on March 26, 1990, Newsweek magazine featured a cover article praising the anti-depressant drug Prozac. Four days later, its multi-color magazine cover paid homage to a floating, gigantic green and white capsule of Prozac, with the bold caption: “Prozac: A Breakthrough Drug for Depression”. Eli Lilly marketed Prozac as a new breakthrough to differentiate it from other S.S.R.I.’s, which had been taken off the market because they were so dangerous.
This 4 day coincidence went completely unnoticed by media sources, but it is jarring to anyone with a knowledge of how these two substances are believed to work. L-Tryptophan and Prozac are both believed to work with serotonin, which was a relatively new concept at the time. Prozac (fluoxetine) is marketed to “enhance” the serotonin that is already present in the brain through some mystical reaction that can only be defined in grotesquely long marketing buzz words. It made great fodder for waiting room brochures. Prozac was never fully understood, so everyone was fair game in the experimental medicine game.
In contrast, the all natural L-tryptophan is well understood. It is used as a building material for the body to produce either serotonin or lactic acid; both of which play large roles in mood regulation. This allows a body to produce exactly the amounts of its own natural serotonin and lactic acid that it needs; so that it has neither too much, nor too little of them. It is the safety net for an internal balancing act. Tryptophan safely works with a body, instead of against it; by giving it a tool that is needed.
The drug patent on Prozac expired in 2001, which coincidentally is the very same year that the F.D.A. ban on L-tryptophan was lifted. The F.D.A. was helping Eli Lilly again: this time by eliminating their would-be competitors. With L-tryptophan again on the market made it impossible for smaller competitors to successfully profit while having to compete with Eli Lilly’s products and all natural tryptophan at the same time. At that time, The F.D.A. was being flooded by legal actions regarding Prozac, due to its murderously psychotic “side effects”. It’s worth noting that Eli Lilly then re-branded Prozac as “Sarafem” for the treatment of pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) in an attempt to illegally extend their patent through deception. Their patent was invalidated in a lawsuit against a generic drug manufacturer, which judicially laid to rest the patent for this sinister drug.
The Fluoride Connection
Notice the “fluo” part in Prozac’s chemical name, fluoxetine. It denotes the drug’s main active ingredient: fluoride. Fluoride is an active ingredient of all modern S.S.R.I. anti-depressants, and the trend of medicating depressed patients with high doses of fluoride began with Prozac. Fluoride robs people of their will; and therefore, it makes people easier to control for both authorities and psychiatrists. This is why these drugs have become so popular for supposedly treating attention deficit disorder, and the newly popularized, oppositional defiant disorder – revealing that there is an agenda more related to social control than the legitimate practice of medicine. As one might expect, these drugs have become extremely popular in the military and the prisons.
In the 1930’s, Germany’s NAZI party envisioned a one world government, dominated and controlled by the NAZI philosophy of pan-Germanism. The German chemists produced an ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass-control that was adopted by the German General Staff. The plan was to control the population of any given area through forced mass-drugging with fluoride, via the drinking water. Through this method, they could pacify the populations of entire regions, reduce populations by water medication that sterilizes women, and so on. In their scheme of mass control and population control, sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place.
The following excerpt was reported by Charles Perkins, in 1954. He was an American chemist, who was rebuilding the German infrastructure.
“Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual’s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him. The real reason behind water fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth. If this were the real reason, there are many ways in which it could be done that are much easier, cheaper, and far more effective. The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty. I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great IG Farben chemical industries and was also prominent in the NAZI movement at the time. I say this with all the earnestness and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research into the chemistry, biochemistry, physiology and pathology of fluorine.”
Fluoride has been shown to accumulate in the pineal gland. The pineal gland is a pine cone-shaped organ near the center of the brain. It is believed to be responsible for melatonin production, and thus the regulation of the sleep cycle. It is also believed to play a role in seasonal depression, because more melatonin is produced in periods of darkness. Brain serotonin appears to be in the highest concentration inside the pineal gland.
In most medical literature, calcification of the pineal gland is expressed to be a natural phenomena that increases with age. Calcification is when calcium, fluoride and phosphorus combine; until they merge into a hard, rock-like object that is viewable on brain scans. Despite the medical literature’s promotion that this occurs normally with aging, pineal calcification is actually only a problem of Western lifestyles; indicating that it is our chemical exposures and diets that cause brain calcification. In West Africa for example, a hospital that performed 20,000 skull x-ray examinations over a period of 10 years encountered less than 10 cases (less than 0.05%) of patients having pineal gland calcifications that were visible in X-ray imaging. In contrast, calcified pineal glands are visible in about 50% of Caucasian adult skull radiographs, for people over the age of forty in the United States. The rate for American Negroes is 25%.
Fluoride is known to accumulate in the pineal gland in even greater amounts than it does in bone. It increases the uptake of calcium into the cells, which worsens their calcification (hardening), because calcification is predominantly unused calcium. Modern S.S.R.I. anti-depressant drugs are fluoride-based; so they add to the calcification of the pineal gland, since the accumulated fluoride attracts calcium. This ironically will worsen depression permanently, by artificially limiting the body’s ability to regulate its sleep cycle, and disrupting the production of hormones.
Serotonin Theory and True Depression
The effects of serotonin on the brain are mostly theory. When a patient tells his doctor that he is depressed, there are no tests of his serotonin levels. No such tests even exist. Yet, supposedly serotonin-altering drugs are prescribed, just as surely as antibiotics are for the common cold. Doctors and other medical professionals are increasingly coming forward to question the theory that states low serotonin levels always lead to depression. Their medical training likewise does not generally teach them about how L-tryptophan reduces depression either, but it is generally as effective as Prozac.
After exhaustive research, we have come to some new discoveries about the mechanisms of this amino acid. Those who are lactose intolerant, experience gastrointestinal problems, or who experience fructose mal-absorption are likely to experience depression. This is believed to be because L-tryptophan from food sources is not being properly absorbed by the intestines, leading to reduced L-tryptophan in the blood and brain. Thus, supplementation provides good results for treating the symptoms. However, there are loopholes in this logic, because both fructose and lactose are metabolized and absorbed differently.
Exercise results in both reduced depression and an increase of lactic acid in the blood. It is this lactic acid that is believed to be responsible for muscular soreness afterward. Exercise has been proven to be equally effective as a treatment for depression as pharmaceutical anti-depressants. Thus, exercise brings about physical changes that can reduce depression, and we will shortly see the clear link between blood-borne lactic acid and mood elevation going beyond the endorphins. Lactic acid is one of the endorphins.
The reason why people with lactose intolerance and fructose mal-absorption experience depression may not be a direct result of L-tryptophan deficiency, but of a plasma lactic acid imbalance. Fructose can be converted into lactic acid, but not in the case of somebody who is suffering with fructose mal-absorption. In addition, those who are lactose intolerant are unable to create their own lactic acid through the usual route of lactose metabolization. This could be remedied by L-tryptophan intake because lactic acid is metabolized from L-tryptophan reserves. This tells us that lactic acid may well be the cure for non-psychological depressions, but not when it is ingested in a synthetic form. It must be foremost ingested as L-tryptophan or fructose, and then be converted by the body. Without this conversion process, lactic acid is known to produce side effects, which ironically include depression.
Curing is about restoring balance, and the body can do better regulation than any chemist. With that said, lactic acid has long been demonized; especially by ignorant athletes. Recent studies are showing that such attitudes may be backwards. According to the New York Times, new studies show that lactic acid is the main catalyst for muscle repair and regrowth; not a menace causing unnecessary pain and suffering.
Of course, we are not going to recommend that people start consuming processed sugars or high fructose corn syrup to eliminate their depressions. To the contrary, the lactic acid that is produced from chemically extracted fructose seems to be much less effective in helping with depression, and it fosters a huge array of very serious disease states. People should also avoid homogenized milk as a source of lactic acid too, because it too will bring long term health consequences through inflammation, and these consequences include heart disease. Lactic acid from whole milk is nevertheless something of an anti-depressant and calmative, as is shown in its use with young children. Crying due to spilled milk is not just a figure of speech.
We recommend L-tryptophan supplementation for those who are suffering with non-psychological depressions, as a method to naturally increase bio-usable lactic acid, but not necessarily serotonin. 5-HTP is based upon L-tryptophan, and has very similar effects, but it is believed to be not as effective. The calmative actions of both lead to much more restful sleep, which is normally a chronic problem for depressed individuals. L-tryptophan will only produce more serotonin if it is needed. Only the right balance of serotonin and naturally produced lactic acid helps to reduce depression. L-tryptophan helps the body to tip the chemical scales in whichever direction they need to go. This is the difference between new age experimental medicine and God’s medicine.
Additional Depression Fighting Supplements
All of the supplements that we recommend to reduce depression would be present in a healthy, balanced diet. However, it is becoming harder to eat a balanced diet due to our fertilizer-depleted soils, the biotechnology industry, the chemical industry, the pharmaceutical industry, and the nuclear industry. People with well-balanced diets very rarely become depressed.
Imbalances of zinc and copper have been tied to depression, and they are interdependent in the body. A deficiency of one can cause an unhealthy excess of the other. So, they should always be supplemented with together, to allow the body to create an ideal balance.
Chlorophyll supplementation is a safe way to get copper. Chlorophyll concentrate is preferable to other liquid chlorophyll products that require drinking large volumes to get any effect. Some alternative medicine sites sell colloidal copper supplements, but these are dangerous frauds. Overdosing with copper is very easy to do using copper supplements, and it can lead to liver and kidney failure. The Health Wyze Staff has studied the effects of copper for years, because it is the basis of the Colloidal Copper Lotion, our flagship product. Copper should only be supplemented with orally using chlorophyll, because overdosing with chlorophyll is virtually impossible, and it has other health benefits.
Zinc supplements can be purchased at health food stores, and should only be taken on a full stomach.
Nuts. Cashews and walnuts are very helpful in stabilizing the hormones that contribute to depression, and provide the B vitamins that improve moods. Peanuts are not very helpful.
Niacin (vitamin B3)
Magnesium (requires vitamin D and calcium)
Salvia Divinorum
White vein kratom (Maeng Da) can be used as an anti-depressant. It is important to know that white vein kratom has entirely different effects to its close cousins, red vein (Thai) kratom and green vein (Green Malay) kratom. White vein kratom is known to enhance a person’s mood, while paradoxically being a calming stimulant. Some people find that it also improves their drive and overall desire to accomplish. Reference the article about painkillers for detailed information about kratom.
Hormone regulating fruits
5-HTP has been gaining a lot of popularity in recent years for its efficacy in eliminating depression. It has been demonstrated to be effective in multiple studies. Start supplementing with 25mg, and increase the dosage by 25mg every four days if it is not having any effect. Do not exceed 100mg. If you feel anxious, have trouble sleeping, experience nausea, or have diarrhea, reduce the dosage. A lot of people overdose with 5-HTP and thus experience side-effects.
Unlike L-tryptophan, supplementing with melatonin can make depression worse or improve it, depending on the individual. We thus recommend against supplementing with melatonin. Melatonin is produced from serotonin, so the need for melatonin can be fulfilled with L-tryptophan supplementation.
Despite the knowledge and use of L-tryptophan for decades, official studies are still surprisingly scarce, because no company will spend millions on something that they can never patent. Nevertheless, there is compelling evidence that it does safely and effectively reduce depression. The safety and efficacy of tryptophan was the true reason for the coincidental F.D.A. ban. We have noticed in the past that if something really is an alternative medicine fraud (e.g. magnet therapy, urine therapy, foot detox pads) then the F.D.A. will leave the fraudsters alone. That is because alternative medicine frauds malign the reputation of alternative medicine as a whole, which coincides with the agenda of the F.D.A.
Notes About Eliminating Depression
Whenever treating depression, it is critical to remember that depressions are often appropriate for the circumstances. If depression can be linked to an obvious psychological cause, such as the loss of a loved one, a poor work environment, or a relationship that went terribly wrong; you should consider coping with those psychological issues before seeking biological options. To feel depressed in these cases is entirely human, and not the result of a chemical imbalance. Try to do something that makes you happy, and perhaps seek a Jungian Analytical Psychologist; for they are the elites in the psychological community. They deal with the root unconscious causes of psychological problems, and they do not prescribe dangerous drugs. Taking L-tryptophan supplements alongside the psychological analysis is an option for some, especially for those whose depressions are severe. For best results, take tryptophan on an empty stomach, because mixing it with foods decreases its effectiveness.
by Sarah C. Corriher For Healthwyze
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