Sink Into the Good

Sink Into the Good

When you feel content and satisfied, ground yourself in that feeling. If you’re used to chaos instead of enjoying the good times it can be tempting to focus on if or when things may go wrong. Worrying about all the ways your peace can be disturbed won’t better prepare you to deal if it is. Anxiously anticipating will merely take away from the joyful moment’s life offers us. Those joyful moments are what make up a good life. Don’t skip though the good to prepare for what’s next, resist that urge. Sink into the good. If you are content, let life simply be good.
Journal about the good, write daily lists of all that you’re thankful for. Pause to notice the simple delightful things around you. Lean into the positive energy. By doing this you’ll attract more of the good stuff instead of abruptly ending it.

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