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Naprapathy – a manual treatment for better function and less pain in the entire body

Mar 29, 2018
Tracy Campbell
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
Reading time 2 min.

Naprapathy is defined as a system of specific examination, diagnostics, manual treatment and rehabilitation of pain and dysfunction in the neuromusculoskeletal system. The therapy is aimed at restoring function through treatment of the connective tissue, muscle- and neural tissues within or surrounding the spine and other joints.

Naprapathic treatment consists of combinations of manual techniques for instance spinal manipulation and mobilization, neural mobilization and Naprapathic soft tissue techniques. The manual techniques are often combined with advice regarding physical activity and ergonomics as well as medical rehabilitation training in order to decrease pain and disability and increase work ability and quality of life. When it is required, different types of electroconvulsive therapy, such as ultrasound and TENS, are also used. Many naprapaths also uses acupuncture as a complement.

A Dr. of Naprapathy is specialized in the diagnosis of structural and functional neuromusculoskeletal disorders, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with problems of such origin as well as to differentiate pain of other origin. Most naprapaths have their own clinics but it is common that a naprapath works as a specialist in a company or in sports on all levels.

What does a naprapath treat?

A naprapath prevents, evaluates, diagnose, and treats neuromusculoskeletal conditions. When the interaction between muscles, joints and nervous systems does not work correctly pain emerges. Examples of conditions of pain treated successfully by naprapaths are torticollis, tension headache, mouse arm, tennis elbow and discomfort in shoulder-, lower back-, sciatica-, knee-, Achilles tendon- and temporomandibular joints.

The professional apprehension of a naprapath, based on a comprehensive view and a wide disposed treatment, contributes to an effective pain relief for the patient. This enables a faster recurrence to the work life after sick-listing, which also makes naprapathy interesting in a social economical perspective.

First – release the pain. Then – prevent it from coming back

The treatments main focuses are first and foremost to decrease pain and restore the natural function of the body and thereafter analyse and adjust possible anticipatory reasons such as muscular unbalance or shortages in the working environment. Altogether, this is what makes naprapathic treatment so efficient.

by Naprapater

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