My story

Alina Wardlaw
Core Spirit member since Jul 1, 2021
3m read
·Jul 1, 2021

Hi, my dear friends!

I would like to tell you about my journey, how I ended up here where I am now.

My spirit had chosen Russia as a country where to be incarnated. Well, what can I say? My spirit is very brave! haha
For now, I'm based in the UK.
I was blessed to get a chance to have lived in both worlds (Western and Eastern) so that I could understand both of them equally.
I call myself planetarian as I don't feel that I belong to a certain country.

I've been feeling connected to the Divine since my childhood.
Though when I was a teenager, I went through a lot of trauma and pain, experienced physical and physiological abuse.
During those dark times, I didn't believe in myself, felt rejected, unworthy and unloved.
I never felt that I was enough and kept chasing people's validation. It was a vicious circle and I didn't see the end of it.

At the age of 19, I got to the point when I ruined my relationships with everyone who was around and even started to have suicidal thoughts.
It was my bottom. I understood that I couldn't live like that anymore.
Unfortunately, sometimes we need to hit our bottom, so we can transcend to another level of our evolution. When we don't see the signs from our Spirit, we move further and further away from our purpose and inner light. I ignored these signs, I was deaf and blind.

Luckily, one day I came across a book by John Kehoe "Mind Power" (a gift from the Universe), which impressed me a lot! Then, there were many other transformational books that had helped me get out of that pit where I had been "lying" feeling sorry for myself for years.

Since that day I haven't stopped healing and exploring myself. I've learned how to love and appreciate myself, have become an energy healer and spiritual coach, discovered that I was a channeler and clairvoyant.

I've received such priceless experience from the lessons the Universe has given me and am feeling SO GRATEFUL for all the hardships I've had to deal with along this amazing journey.
Now I help others. And I will be doing it till my last breath, it's my nature, I cannot not do it. My Spirit is calling me!

My life mission is to help people heal themselves, because we do the healing on our own despite all catching promises we receive from healers and mentors. Nobody will do it except ourselves.

I encourage you not to devalue all of the "negativity" you've been concerned with, but realize that everything happens for a reason, your own sake, your self-growth, and self-healing. I strongly believe that we can find positive outcomes out of the worst situations. Wherever you are, whatever you are going through, I'm sending you the light of my love. I'm here for you. 🙏❤️

These days haven't been easy for all of us, but I feel that we're capable of coping with anything, but it's essential to stay connected with our Spirit, the Divine light within us.

Our world needs love and healing.

By loving and healing yourself you save the world.

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#energypractice #esoterics #spiritualpractice #healer

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