Medical Marijuana Against Alcoholism

Medical Marijuana Against Alcoholism

Medical Marijuana Against Alcoholism

The legalization of marijuana for medical use in some countries has shown its potential in treating many ailments. There is still a controversial opinion regarding the use of marijuana does or does not lead to other severe drug addiction. Nevertheless, medical marijuana holds a place among other viable options to treat inflammation, arthritis, chronic pain, nausea, vomiting, and much more. The subjective evidence from several clinical trials also shows its success for alcoholism treatment. In this article, we will find out how medical marijuana can positively help to deal with the symptoms of alcoholism.

Adverse Effects of Alcohol Addiction

There is only one word to explain alcohol addiction, and that is ‘disturbing’. Alcoholism disrupts the life of an addict and the people around him. People with alcohol use disorder (AUD) continue to drink even after facing physical and psychological problems. This chronic disease can lead to driving violations, troubles in personal relationships, and professional relationships sometimes resulting in job loss.

A recent study shows that alcoholism has risen 49% in the past decade of the 21st century and now affects a 1:8 ratio of adults. Furthermore, there are around 88,000 deaths in a year and some other cases due to drunk driving. Almost 17 million Americans are AUD victims. It is among the four most common causes of death in the U.S.

Physical effects of alcoholism

Nausea, vomiting, trembling are some of the withdrawal symptoms

Craving for alcohol

Passing out after drinking

Failing to remember anything

Chronic liver damage (Cirrhosis) or alcoholic ketoacidosis

Psychological effects of alcoholism

Some factors like frequency of consumption, age, general health can affect the brain.

Short term effects:

Unable to focus

Temporary relive to stress

Reduced nervousness

Memory impairment

Difficulty in vision and other motor functioning

Long term effect:

Depression and Anxiety

A tendency for the increase in substance abuse

Difficulty in learning and retention

Interference in brain development

Treatments for Alcoholism

Treatment methods for alcohol use disorder vary according to the individual condition. Some traditional treatments for AUD include:

Psychological counseling either individually or in a group- Counseling sessions work as a therapy to understand the person’s problems of substance abuse and provide support for recovery.

Detox and withdrawal- In this treatment, the alcoholic has to take sedating medications to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Oral medications- A drug called Antabuse can cause drinkers to feel unwell when they drink. As a result, it prevents them from drinking. Another medicine called the Naltrexone can obstruct the happy feeling drinking can produce. It can lower the urge to drink.

Support Groups- There are self-help groups like Alcohol Anonymous (AA) and Women for Sobriety. Al-Anon is a group that helps people affected by an addict.

Alternative methods- Practices like yoga and meditation can help in the recovery process. Also, acupuncture can help overcome anxiety or depression.

How can Medical Marijuana Help

Marijuana comes from the cannabis Sativa plant, which has more than 100 chemical compounds (cannabinoids). The two dominant compounds among them are THC or tetrahydrocannabinol (psychoactive) and CBD or Cannabidiol (non-psychoactive). It is still a schedule I drug in the U.S that makes it unavailable for federal scientific research. Even then, there are some studies cited that show people with AUD have experienced positive effects after substituting marijuana with alcohol. The cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the human body to assist in its functioning and maintain balance in homeostasis. These work together with the ECS to protect the neural cells from dying, which might occur during the withdrawal period.

Alcohol imbalances neurochemicals and increases dopamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in the brain. Cannabinoids like CBD can help neutralize the brain’s chemistry by stimulating CB1 receptors and restore its prevalence.

The oral medications accompany several side effects due to which people are looking for alternatives for abstinence. According to the JAMA review, only 9% of alcohol abusers receive pharmacological treatment. Clinical trials show medical marijuana can help in treating opioid addiction. A review supports consuming marijuana in place of alcohol can reduce harm. Users give three reasons for substitution- fewer side effects, less withdrawal, and better symptoms management. Moreover, legalized medical marijuana is witnessing a lower rate of death due to opiate overdose.

There are recovery programs in such states where medical marijuana is in use for treatments. Substituting alcohol with weed can successfully manage the withdrawal symptoms. It can offer relief for conditions like anxiety, depression, stress, and nausea. Here are some strains that can help alleviate the symptoms:

For anxiety- White Widow, Sour OG, Cherry Pie, Grandaddy Purple

For depression- Super Sour Diesel, OG Kush, Classis Cookies, Medihaze, Harlequin, and Pineapple Express

For stress or sleep disorder- Cannatonic, Green Crack, Grape God, Blue Dream, Super Silver Haze

For nausea- Durban Poison, Northern Lights, Super Lemon Haze, Death Star

How to use Medical Marijuana?

You can include CBD oil in your diet or choose for edibles. You can infuse CBD with every food possible. Most people are micro-dosing nowadays. You can microdose CBD using oils and tinctures. But remember to maintain the dose. Traditionally smoking and vaping is popular among marijuana enthusiasts. If smoking is not suitable for you, vaporizing can be a better option. It doesn’t burn the herb and will keep you away from smoke inducing harm.

Other forms of ingestion include:

Beverages: marijuana tea, coffee, soda

Topical: balms, patches can work as pain relief

Tincture: You can use it sublingually, under your tongue with a dropper

Users who have experience in both claims that marijuana is safer than alcohol. It will not contribute to liver disease, heart stroke, or sleep disorders, unlike alcohol. Thankfully, due to the legalization in some states, people can now order weed online from best online dispensary Canada.


Medical marijuana can consequently eliminate dependency, curb alcohol cravings, and can prevent drug usage. Consult your nearest medical marijuana doctor to assist you in addiction recovery. It is also necessary to check with a GP to help guide you with any underlying physical conditions before incorporating weed to substitute alcohol. Chronic alcoholics may experience some severe withdrawal symptoms (fever, panic attacks, hallucination, rapid breathing) which require other treatments. Above all, your conscience will immensely help rescue you from alcoholism and make sure before buying any product from dispensaries must check CBD Product Reviews.

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