Have you ever been advised to avoid stress in your life, in order to prevent its harmful effects on your health?
How much have you told yourself that you need relaxation after long hours of exhausting work life?
If the answer to all these questions is “YES”, you must have heard about the most loved and frequently used method to attain relaxation (i.e. Massage).
Massage is also known as “Soft Tissue Manipulation”, and is defined as manipulation of the soft tissues of the body. There are ample techniques used to perform massages such as the use of hands, fingers, elbow, massage devices and, massage chairs.
According to a study performed by Field TM, Massage therapy has become much popular and is proven to reduce pain, stress, and anxiety in various somatic as well as psychiatric disorders.
According to Field T et al, Massage therapy is known to have a positive effect in lowering elevated blood pressures (Neurovegetative functions).
Let’s go ahead and find out -
Why these massage chairs are so expensive?
Do these massage chairs actually worth the expensive amount they cost?
Massage chairs have gained much popularity nowadays, due to the level of relaxation and comfort they provide. Massage chairs are specialized chairs that are designed to provide massage. Massage chairs are easily available in the markets, but they are quite expensive because of the variety of health benefits they provide and can be used by everyone at home depending upon their ailment. Massage chairs are expensive as they provide luxury along with an important way to boost recovery.
There are various modifications present in these types of chairs, however, there are two types of massage chairs available in the market. The first one is a kind of manual chair, which allows the masseur to perform the massage. The second one is the automatic chairs which include in-built motors and vibrators that are easy to operate and user-friendly as well.
During the pandemic, we all have got to learn the true meaning of the renowned golden words i.e. HEALTH IS WEALTH as health is the most important priority nowadays. Achieving overall physical and mental health has become the most important aim in this fast-paced world.
The majority of the individuals are working from home as a result of the rising pandemic. As a result of long hours of sitting in postures that are harmful to the body, they not only affect the spine health but also damage the muscles that lead to pain, inflammation, inability to work properly, and all these minor symptoms if ignored leads to chronic musculoskeletal problems. Overburden on soft tissues for long hours without any relaxation is the biggest reason for the development of musculoskeletal ailments and that’s why the majority of the population is facing back and neck issues.
Following long hours of sitting in incorrect posture results in the strain of muscles and in order to provide relaxation, massage chairs are known to be of great benefit. Let’s go through the pointers reflecting “Why massage chairs are worth their expensive cost?”
Due to hectic lifestyles, greater numbers of individuals face this issue of not being able to visit to take massage sessions to relieve their sore muscles. “Massage Chairs” have been invented to solve this issue. These chairs are known to have magical benefits and help relieve muscle soreness.
According to a study performed by Daniele F et al, Back massage performed with the use of automated Massage chairs are found to be efficient and an inexpensive approach towards the attainment of general relaxation. Massage chairs are found to be of great benefit for those individuals as well as those who doesn’t like to be touched.
Automated massage chairs are worth their price as they are electronically controlled chairs. They offer a wide range of massage techniques and styles and can be modified based on the requirement of individuals.
According to research performed by Kim et al, Massage chairs were found to be a cost-effective method for pain control and relaxation.
According to a study performed by Kubsik A et al., The principle of mechanical massage therapy can be explained based on the gate control theory. The presence of receptors is responsible for the transmission of pain signals. Mechanical receptors on the skin are responsible for carrying the pain signals from the skin to the spinal cord and then carrying them to the brain. During this process, if any other sensory signal enters the spinal cord, the gate eventually opens or closes, before the signal is transferred to the brain. Massage therapy produces ample sensory signals, and as a result of the long closure of gates, it prevents pain signals from reaching the brain. That’s why, massage chairs can be used every day in life as they are accessible, cost-effective, and improve quality of life.
Massage chairs aids in relaxation by reducing anxiety.
Massage chairs help in the improvement of the sleep cycle, resulting in better relaxation and sleep.
Massage chairs help in the recovery of the exhausted muscles by increasing the blood flow to the tired muscles, increased blood circulation to the muscles aids to better muscle recovery.
Massage chairs help in flushing the toxins out of the body through lymphatic drainage.
Massage chairs help in the improvement of overall psychological and physical health.

Going through the numerous health benefits of massage chairs strongly justified their high cost. But still, the story revolves around the same question, “Are these Massage Chairs worth the cost”???
So, definitely, the answer to this question is a big “YES”
Massage chairs are not only a must-have product but also an important asset everyone must have, as health is the priority.
Even if you have a sitting job or moving one. Who doesn’t love to get a smoothening massage after an exhausting day at work? So when are you going to get yourself a Massage chair?
If you have any questions or thought regarding massage chairs, kindly drop them in the comment section below.
We are really excited to respond to them.
Thank you.


  1. Field TM. Massage therapy effects. Am Psychol 1998; 53(12):-1270-1281.
    2.Field T, Ironson G, Scafidi F, et al. Massage therapy reduces anxiety and enhances EEG pattern of alertness and math computations. Int J Neurosci 1996;86(3-4):197-205
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