Perhaps the brain is the most mysterious organ of our body. Scientists are constantly learning new facts about its work, but there are still many mysteries. Everyone knows the phrase about the fact that a person uses only 10% of his brain. Whether this is true or not, it is obvious that the brain harbors many secrets that we do not even know about. Is the brain enlarging, how do the hemispheres work, and how does adrenaline work on us? Neurophysiologist John Arden reveals interesting facts about our brain that scientists have learned not so long ago thanks to the latest discoveries.
- Hugging is useful
When we touch a loved one, the hormone oxytocin is produced. It is because of it that attachment and love arise. Endorphins – "hormones of happiness" are released. Because of this, hugs are helpful. It turns out that they even increase immunity: it has been proven that massage (which, of course, consists of continuous touches) enhances the protective functions in cancer patients. Another effect of "hugs" is calming, reducing irritability.
- The brain grows when we learn new information
When we memorize something, the brain grows in size. To be more precise, the size of the area that is responsible for the new skill increases. For it, the brain "frees up" more space. For example, in blind people who can read Braille, the area of the brain responsible for the fingers with which they "read" embossed letters is much larger than in sighted people. And right-handed musicians have a larger area of the brain responsible for playing the instrument with the right hand.
- The myth of the hemispheres
It is not true that the left and right hemispheres are turned on and off. Both hemispheres always work together. And it doesn't depend on what you are doing, whether you are left-handed or right-handed, a creative person or a fan of numbers. All thoughts, emotions, and sensations of a person are processed in two hemispheres of the brain at once.
- The effect of adrenaline
In stressful situations, the body releases adrenaline. Everyone knows how the heart begins to beat faster and breathing quickens. But there are other effects as well. The blood vessels constrict - the body prepares for possible blood loss if injured. The digestion of food stops - this requires energy, which is needed now. Also, adrenaline increases resting pressure, so that the muscles can instantly start working. Thus, in case of danger, you are 100% ready thanks to adrenaline.
- The brain is the universe
The human brain is made up of billions of nerve cells called neurons, as well as many more helper cells. This is comparable to the number of stars in our galaxy. Compare what the neurons of the human brain and the cosmos look like. You will see a lot in common. Scientists have taken photographs that confirm this.
- Smarter than a cat
The frontal lobes of the human brain perform important functions. They are responsible for a person's personality, for his speech and movements, for decision-making and behavior in general. Some scientists even believe that the frontal lobes are the most important part of the brain. Interestingly, the cat's frontal lobes occupy 3.5% of the brain, and in humans - as much as 20% and even 50% of the brain's weight falls on them. This advantage is given to man by evolution.
- Why are some athletes not so smart
Sport triggers the formation of new nerve cells. But it cannot cope with the task alone. For the brain to create many new neurons, it also needs mental exercise. This is probably why some professional athletes are distinguished by intelligence, and some do not shine with it: because someone reads books, and someone does not.
- Sunlight cures depression
Many depressed people prefer not to leave the house, draw the curtains and enjoy teary films in pitch darkness. This is an extremely unfortunate decision. Such people do not see natural daylight, which triggers important biochemical processes in the brain. The less sun, the stronger the depression. The same goes for mood. If you suddenly feel sad, walk outside and you will immediately feel better.
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