<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> How LIIFT UnTherapy Quickly Heals Too Much Worrying or Always Feeling Anxious | Core Spirit

How LIIFT UnTherapy Quickly Heals Too Much Worrying or Always Feeling Anxious

Jan 30, 2024
Reading time 2 min.

Everyone experiences an occasional time when they feel worried or anxious. But some people experience unending worry which creates a life filled with unprovoked and unrealistic anxiousness, tension, stress and upset. They constantly feel dread and apprehension, are often jumpy and irri-table. They always expect a new bad thing to happen now and tomorrow.

People with habitual worry are unable to achieve a life filled with joy, happiness, love, success, contentment and an overall sense of safety and OK-ness. LIIFT UnTherapy is designed to help anyone quickly achieve the good-feeling life that most of us desire.

LIIFT UnTherapy understands that there are multiple contributors to the foundation of an anxious life. Our life experiences from pre-birth to age 10 define which emotions will be most common in the rest of our lives. In addition, we use those experiences to create our Internal Operating Software, which ultimately defines what we expect in life, and what is most likely to happen.

LIFT Un Therapy uses a client's subconscious knowledge of self to determine the most effective sequence of healings for fast change from feeling anxious to feeling optimistic and happy.

Often a client needs to release old experiences of fear, stress and trauma. Each release occurs in less than five minutes. The client needn't remember or talk about it. LIIFT UnTherapy simply heals the emotional baggage... even baggage which has been passed down the family blood line from parents and grandparents.

Clients also often have damaged programming in their Internal Operating Software. For instance, many LIIFT clients carry the toxic Belief Statement, "I expect the worst to happen." Just replacing it with "I expect the best to happen in my life, and it usually does," significantly alters a client's life toward a happier place. Each toxic Belief Statement can be changed in less than five minutes.

How quickly can a LIIFT UnTherapy client move to a happier, safer-feeling place in their lives? Often there is a major shift in one session. Complete healing time is often just months, not years. LIFT UnTherapy coordinates well with traditional talk therapy, too. Noted psychotherapist Dr.Michael Landwehr reported as much: "LIIFT UnTherapy does a great job of healing the damage, and [psychotherapy] does a great job of helping the client understand why."

LIIFT UnTherapy is an educational, peer-to-peer healing process. LIIFT UnTherapy is not any form of "mental health therapy", "psychological counseling", "psychiatry", or any other type of medically-licensed or state-licensed psychological or medical treatment.

Master LIIFT UnTherapist Brian Eastman created LIIFT UnTherapy based on over 25 years studying and experiencing other Alt-Med approaches to gaining emotional health. Much of the theory is built upon the work of Eric Berne and other Transactional Analysts.

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