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Don’t set goals! Do this instead

May 25, 2023
Mercy omoh
Core Spirit member since May 23, 2023
Reading time 3 min.

Worry no more

With the second quarter of the year almost gone . You may be thinking. “It’s already late” “if I started January 1st, I would have gone far by now”
Well I tell you the good News. You are very much on time as long as it isn’t December 31st yet. There’s still a lot to achieve.

It’s pertinent to identify your path before you set out on anything you do. We are all guilty of this sometimes we say,
“My friends are into crypto I should too” “Jane is going to culinary school to become a chef I think I can do that too”, “oh mike is a full stack developer I will definitely excel in it too”
I’ve experienced several failures going on the wrong path. I also wanted to do everything. What my peers were excelling on I wanted to try. I put in all the the right factors; Dedication, consistency, discipline but still wasn’t fulfilled and along the line was depressed. But once you identify your path or purpose it’s easy to put in the work.

A Goal to Achieve is a goal to set

Don’t let anyone scare you with writing your goals or plans for the year. Note it’s very important to pen down your visions and goals for the year, but can I let you know something, some of us are sometimes guilty of the pressure that comes with it, It makes it hard to fulfill. That’s why most people who started working on their goals this January was only consistent in January alone.

Know that there are people who pen down their goals in the beginning of the year and achieve even more, while some sometimes struggle with these 4 factors that impede the process.
Laziness, lack of discipline, procrastination and fear of failure. Which leaves them in confused and in deplorable state.

But the thing is, you know yourself and can only follow through with that knowledge. if you are the type that is slow to achieve little goals, as little as things on your to-do list, then you have no business with setting a general goal for 2023. Instead, you should set goals for each moth of the year.

If it pertains to health, weight, self-development,

You can say,
• I will eat fruits 3 times a week for the month .
• I will take honey in place of sugar this month.
With just 2 standards for the month, you are sure to follow through. You can decide to set just one depends on what’s most attainable for you

• I will watch a video on baking twice a week
• I will read 2 books (200 pages below) this month.
• I will take an online class (on whatever skill you wish to learn)
With this breakdown you are free from the pressure of achieving an extensive goal.

When you write your 2 goals for the month, FOLLOW THROUGH, with emphasis on following through and successfully achieving them, there's the sense fulfillment and in subsequent months, you will not be limited to 2 goals monthly. It will just come naturally to want to do more. I have tried this and it’s still helping me now. You have the next two quarters to yourself please don’t sleep on it!

Leave your comments / questions

Philip Ebuluofor1y ago

Weight lose. What about weight gain?

Mercy omoh1y agoreply toYes, following …

Yes and also it’s one that really hard to commit

Afsheen Shah1y ago

Yes, following through is the most important part of setting goals.