Cancer-preventing Nishi system

Tracy Campbell
Core Spirit member since Dec 24, 2020
6m read
·Mar 29, 2018

In my practice with cancer patients, an essential element of treatment was always Nishi therapeutic system. It’s not as impressive as complex radiation equipment and other sophisticated hardware supporting surgical teams in modern operating rooms, but it brings good results nevertheless. I’m going to present a few examples of successful use of Nishi system (records of professor Watanabe), to let you see for yourself.

• K. Majra, 76 years, was diagnosed with lung cancer in August 1958. He didn’t consent to a surgery. Another test in a Tokyo hospital confirmed the diagnosis. He was treated in hospital for two months, which caused general weakening, gradual loss of appetite, and severe difficulties with breathing. ,br>An X-ray picture done in the second month of his hospital stay showed the same dark spot on the lungs and an enlarged one in the heart area. This last one was a side effect of pharmaceuticals that interfered with blood and lymph circulation. Breathing became almost impossible. There seemed to be no options, even a surgery would give no chances. He was checked out of hospital in December. Some relative suggested trying Nishi system. He used the following routines every day:

1. Aerobic therapy

2. Alternating hot and cold showers

3. Drinking beverage prepared from dactyl palm leaves, very rich in vitamin C (2qt /2L a day)

4. Performing a set of exercises designed by Dr. Nishi

After a month, his appetite increased, his physical strength returned, breathing became easier, and his mood improved. The dark spot on his lungs, as big as a chicken egg, started shrinking. A year later (November 1959) the patient was completely healthy. He decided to use cancer- preventing Nishi system till the end of his life.

• T. Jumiki, 69 years old, after a thorough examination in hospital was found to have stomach cancer. A surgery was recommended, and he refused consent. He decided to go through Nishi system therapy.

A month of therapy decreased nausea and took care of the feeling of discomfort in the stomach. A year later in a letter, he reported that he felt well. He was thankful for the therapy that cured his stomach cancer without surgery.

• Iszizuko, 61 years old, in the summer 1958 started experiencing pain in his abdomen while having his meals. His stools were dark because of blood mixed with the feces. Doctors in an Osaka hospital diagnosed colon cancer. He refused a surgery and checked into another hospital where he learned Nishi system therapy, which eventually led him to full recovery.

• Masapugu, 68 years old, lost his ability to speak and was diagnosed with throat cancer by doctors in Osaka. Isotope radiation therapy didn’t bring any improvement. He checked into a hospital for Nishi system therapy in November 1958. He had unhealthy habits - smoking up to forty cigarettes a day and eating a lot of sweets. These habits caused even more irritation in the affected area of his throat. Two months of therapy brought significant improvement and his voice became normal. He was able to check out of the hospital and continue the therapy on his own. In 1962, he sent a letter thanking the hospital for help in his full return to health.

• Gojono Sato, 49 years old, suffered heavy bleeding from uterus for five years due to uterus cancer. She checked into a hospital for eight months to undergo Nishi system therapy. The first results were noticed at the end of the second month: her physical condition improved and heavy bleeding carried out chunks of dead tissue. She checked out of the hospital at that time and continued the therapy at home with some help in the form of telephone consultations. Bleedings with chunks of dead tissue happened on three more occasions. Examinations after completed therapy confirmed her return to good health. The doctor who first recommended surgery was amazed at her recovery and said: “You are very lucky. The diagnosis was probably wrong.”

These were cases from 40 years ago. Nishi system therapy is however successfully used in Japan even today for cancer treatment. Starting in 1990, many alternative medicine clinics in Russia started using it in their practice.

I have been using it, along with my co-workers, since 1986, with some modifications (to account for different climate, food products, etc.) I didn’t keep statistics because the patients had medical records anyway, but I kept letters from my patients reporting results of their therapy done at home. I’ll summarize some cases here:

Natalia D., 44 years old, was diagnosed in 1986 with uterus cancer, which had also spread to her breast. Her doctor first pressed for a quick surgery. She was in bad shape, with grayish skin complexion, bent posture, and an unpleasant odor from her mouth. Faced with her hesitation, the doctor agreed to delay the surgery for eight weeks. He understood the 44-year-old woman’s shock at the prospect of loosing her reproductive organs and breasts. Natalia kept working but her husband took over her house chores (it’s important to have support and understanding of loved ones in times of health crisis). She went through therapy involving aerobics twice a day; drinking tea brewed from blackcurrant leaves, raspberry, and wild rose; taking alternating hot and cold showers; and performing a set of exercises from Nishi system. She also cleansed her large intestine using enemas and limited her diet to raw fruits, nuts, bran, rice, hot cereals with cooked vegetables, carrot juice, and beet juice.

Three weeks later, her skin was covered with red spots and her vagina excreted “terrible filth.” It was a sign that her body started cleaning itself. Then she went through a seven-day fast. She only drank water, adding a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of honey to each glass in order to maintain adequate supply of minerals and vitamins. After a fast, the body needs an adjustment period of equal length before regular diet can be re-introduced. For the next seven days, she only drank freshly squeezed juices from five kinds of fruits and vegetables of different colors, and ate only fruits and vegetables. In her later diet, she paid attention to correct combination of food products. She fearfully went back to see her doctor when the eight-week period was up. After the examination, not able to hide his disbelief, the doctor said, “I can’t believe my eyes, haw did you do it?” After hearing the story of her quick and effective therapy, he exclaimed: “I have to tell everybody about it.” I got her letter a year after the end of the therapy. She felt healthy, continued working, and enjoyed her life.

In matters dealing with health, some of us are lazy (please take no offence) and some diligent. The lazy ones expect others to help them. They believe that taking care of their health is the responsibility of physicians. The diligent ones want to help themselves by discovering the real causes of their diseases but they do not always know how to do it. My books are intended mainly for the diligent people. The lazy ones should reflect on the old Eastern wisdom: “Nobody does anything for you without satisfying their own needs before yours.”

You ought not to thoughtlessly leave your most valuable things - your life and health - in somebody else’s care. We spend our time in vain while we wait for a miraculous healing coming from somebody else - nobody can take better care of our health than ourselves. It takes strong will, persistency, diligence, knowledge, and experience to find our own way to good health. As we know, those who seek will always find.

Modern medicine uses three basic methods in treating cancer: chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. As I said before, these methods are limited to treating symptoms. The right approach is to identify and target causes. According to our present knowledge, the main cause of tumors is inability of our body’s defenses to effectively deal with cancer cells. This is where prevention and treatment should be focused.

by Star Healthy Life

Tracy Campbell
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