Can Narcissistic Abuse Lead to Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia?

Can Narcissistic Abuse Lead to Eating Disorders and Body Dysmorphia?

The abuse by narcissists can cause body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and self-image issues. It's important to note that not all people with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) will have these issues.

What Is Body Dysmorphia?

Body dysmorphia is a mental disorder that makes you think you're too fat, too thin, or not attractive enough. It can lead to eating disorders and self-harm.

It's not the same as having low self-esteem! Body dysmorphia is an inability to accept one's body for what it really is (e.g., overweight), especially when compared with other people's bodies. The person experiencing this feeling may also feel like they'll never be happy unless they lose weight quickly or drastically change their appearance in some way; this can be dangerous because it causes them to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as binge eating or purging (vomiting).

Can Abuse By Narcissists Cause Body Dysmorphia?

Narcissists have a very distorted view of themselves. They are self-centered, narcissistic and they think they are superior to others. The narcissist believes that he or she is special and unique in the world so he or she can't stand anyone who tries to compare them with anyone else, even if it's just someone on the internet who doesn't know him/her at all like how I do now after reading this article!

In addition to being vain as hell (they believe their looks are better than yours), narcissists also believe they're smarter than other people because their IQs are higher than yours which means you should listen up because I'm giving you advice here!

Eating Disorders And Narcissists

Narcissists are often abusive, manipulative and use food as a weapon. They might:

Use the food you give them to bully you

Use your mealtime behavior as an opportunity to criticize or humiliate you

Make sure that only certain foods are available in order to keep you weak and dependent on them

Fight with each other over which one gets what they want (i.e., when it comes down to who wears the pants around here)

Body Dysmorphia And Narcissism In Women

Body Dysmorphic Disorder or BDD is a mental illness that causes people to constantly and severely obsess over their appearance. BDD can cause severe anxiety, depression, social isolation and even suicidal thoughts.

In contrast to body image issues (which are more common in women), narcissists tend to be drawn towards the opposite sex but they often don't know how attractive they actually are because of their low self-esteem and lack of confidence in their own looks.

This makes them very frustrated with themselves when they try on clothes or makeup only to find out that there's no way for them look good enough for someone else’s standards; this often leads them into various forms of abuse against others as well as themselves before finally realizing that something needs changing within themselves!

Abuse by narcissists can cause body dysmorphia, eating disorders, and self-image issues.

Body dysmorphia and eating disorders are both ways of coping with stress. Body dysmorphia is an obsession with one's appearance, while eating disorders are a way of coping with stress.

Narcissists use narcissistic supply to control their partners so that they have no room to breathe or think for themselves outside of what the narcissist wants them to do. This causes many people who were abused by narcissists as children or adolescents years later when they start dating someone else again because they want something different than what their previous partner gave them...


Body dysmorphia is a serious mental health condition that can cause a person to obsess over their appearance. It can lead to eating disorders and other self-destructive behaviors. Narcissists are known for making others feel bad about themselves, and we all know what it feels like when someone says something negative about you but doesn’t stop there—they keep going.

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Afsheen Shah2y ago

Excellent article. I can see the link between body dysmorphia and being abused by a Narcissist.