Breaking the ties of Addiction

Amritha Kailas
Core Spirit member since Nov 30, 2021
2m read
·Sep 5, 2022

What makes us different from animals?

Human brain is the most evolved among all the other living beings that we see in this world. The most important differentiating factor between humans and animals is the power to discriminate and think.

It is this ability that has led us to many great advanced technological developments that we see around the world . Many great minds have used this power effectively and contributed to the community that has helped us evolve rapidly.

We all have higher and lower tendencies within our mind and act based on them . When we lead an unconscious life, we tend to get influenced by our lower tendencies that eventually leads us to places of addictions.

There are many factors that include intergenerational trauma, stress and challenges in life that could lead us to addictions.

Any addiction be it in the form of devices, social media, alcohol, drugs, substances can only provide quick temporary fixes and do not have the ability to solve our problems or challenges permanently.

A research conducted by Oxford University, says that nearly 11.8 million people die every year due to addictions of various kinds around the world.

We all have the power to solve our problems effectively without having to rely on these external objects by regaining our self control.

Not everything that our Minds think is true.

Sometimes, it requires us to train our minds to use the power of discrimination to manage our own thoughts without letting our minds to control us and behave crazily.

This takes consistent practice and patience. However, when we are able to manage ourselves, we will develop greater internal strength to solve our problems and challenges effectively . Eventually, we will be able to use the conserved energy for higher purposes in life and lead a peaceful and happy life.

So, let’s all take control of our life rather than allowing external objects around us to take control of us .

There is no shame in beginning again for you get a chance to build bigger and better than before - Leon Brown

I would like to welcome you all to tune into my conversation with Dr Vincenzo Aliberti, Executive Director, Red Deer Dream Centre on
Addictions and Recovery on "The Peace Bridge Talk Show " on Voice America's Influencer's channel this Wednesday, 5pm (Pacific Time).

Looking forward to seeing you all there !!


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