Star Family & Connection ~Enormous Timeline Shift~ (The world after COVID-19, Higher Vibrational New Beginning?)
New Earth? New Light Codes? New Frequency? Higher Frequency?
\* Source Energy*
Trust, open your hands, share, let go and have access to the infinite potentials.
New Earth Sacred Geometric Structures - New Frequency of light reconnect us with the ancient light codes of the divine god force or the creative intelligence.
The Angelic Realm are excited and rejoicing for the Grounding of the Divine Sacred Masculine and its new frequencies.
Grounding of the Divine Sacred Masculine
Activated and Enabled by the beautiful and loving energies of divine feminine as they are express in a new earth frequency of the fifth dimension.
This waves of light codes will be initiated 8⁄8 and will reach their culmination in a moment of sacred union or sacred marriage on the 11⁄11. At this time the divine frequency of masculine and feminine and their new luminosity will come into balance in sacred union and will express Sacred God Force in the higher dimensional energies.
How will this affect us?
The flows of energy that has been creating chaos on the earth will move in to a more balance form. Both within ourselves and our light bodies, and also within the planetary body. This will give rise to a more balance energy that will create a New Earth where there is balance, harmony, and compassionate love. The old third dimensional energies of domination and control will increasingly find no place to be on a new earth as the old energy forms disintegrate.
What to know more about the fluxes of energies or the Star gates? Please let me know and Ill be more than happy to chat.
~ Massive Timeline Shift ~
- Self Awareness -
The drastic changes and imbalances will be replaced with healthy and harmonies living practices which will be guided by the new spiritual, intuitive wisdom that we have stored on our sacred mind.
When we feel love and kindness towards others, it not only makes other feel love and cared for but it also helps us develop inner happiness and peace ~ Dalai Lama
Loving kindness is the distilled essence of pure love. As you open your heart, you’re able to love the unloveable, bring joy to sadness, faith to doubt, and light to darkness.
In this New Earth, no longer can humanity relay only on the current practices of the medical profession. Our soul is urging us to integrate a more holistic approach to healing the physical, mental, and emotional body. So that the higher frequency of the over soul can be access and integrated without so much trauma and distress to our sacred vessel.
Light, sound, and color are the healing modality of the future.
Study of the chakra system and of the frequency of the 5 higher galactic rays will assist healers and councilors in how to inform their patient as to what is out of balance within their Auric field and how to assist them to gradually return and maintain a healthy physical body.
We have a wondrous storehouse of information available to us within our sacred mind.
Do not focus on the shadows, for your thought patterns will always connect with and reenforce the dimensional frequency on which you focus your attention. Our only true _enemy_ is fear, release the fear and radiates the Love and Light and watch as the miracles unfold.
Believe in yourself, become a co-creator of the light, peace, balance, and harmony once more. And join with those who are striving to recapture the pristine beauty of Mo ther earth Gaia as we ALL ascend together.
Reclaim your rightful place as the _ Sun of light._And remember, as you integrate the knowledge of spirit in a lumen truth, ALL ask you to go forth and share your wisdom. Angelic Spirits and yOUR Ancestral Tribe always guide and help us. Speak your truth and speak the truth with unconditional love with your word, through your actions, and how you treat others as you would like others to treat you.
The challenge is to adopt to a new environment and with its on going process. Slow down and allow thee to pay attention to it.
Be appreciative and appreciate the moment and living the right now. And by doing so, we‘re accessing the infinite potentials. Everyday is the day to be grateful with every single thing that we have. Also, this is the best time to reflect, if we may have taken what is in front of us ALL for granted. Always look for something to appreciate as there are many things in life to be grateful. As we’re all coming to an understanding that we all may have taken so many things for granted and now we’re appreciating so much more than we used to as the situation opens our heart and compassion and really help us share on a higher level.
We need to continue to learn how to adapt everyday and thats the beauty of all the things thats going on. As we are all force to live the moment and to be mindful. That’s us, ALL living the moment. Right Here ! Right Now!
Opening our hearts, is what making us all compassionate, and to share to a higher space and that bring us all together. The mindset that separates us, and the frame of mind that bring us all together.
Making room to new experience and living our best life to the New Earth 🌍 New Era.
Aquarian Age
If it doesn’t resonate with you, you can leave it and move on for the right person to find its hidden treasure and resonate with thy light 🌅
Everyone has their own unique journey. And being enlightened and awakened is yOUR privilege that makes ALL advance to the norms. As RESPECT is yOUR common ground.
Lots of love and lights to ALL 🥰💙💚❤️🙏🏻
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