Tarot Reading

Tarot Reading


My session is a tarot/journaling therapy session. First, we will have to have conversations over a long period of time where you gradually let me into areas of your life that may be bringing you the most chaotic energy. Then we can begin to try and close or resolve the drift.

My only rule is that you are willing to open up to me so that I and my tarot will be able to delve into your subconscious.

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Massachusetts, USA

I'm human. And I'm growing. So I understand. I guess what I really have to offer is understanding, acceptance and a lack of judgment. Or to the best of my current abilities.

I have been into divination for a little more than 2 years. My specialty is the tarot and the pendulum. Even I still sometimes get surprised by Spirit's point on, cannot-be-denied, messages.

On Core Spirit since June 2022

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