On the 20th of June we will celebrate the summer solstice, I will guide you through 108 Sun Salutations with some Positive Affirmations and some music to keep us going. We will aim to do this within 3 hours and two breaks. I will close the session with a Guided Mediation, very excited for this one and hope we can be 108 and keeping it magical so please share. Traditionally, practicing 108 Sun Salutations is reserved for the change of the seasons (ie the Winter and Summer Solstice, and the Spring and Fall Equinox). The Spring Equinox represents a time of rebirth and new beginnings, making it a great time to detoxify the body.
£18 is the suggest fee but i want to get you all together so what ever you can afford is great. 8 or 18.
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About Aysha bell I’ve worked in the care of people for over 15 years, teaching yoga for 3. I want to share the things that have helped me. |
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