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Spiritual Coaching - Removing Energy Blocks - Expansion

coaching session
$50 USD
$50 USD

> "Who looks outside dreams. Who looks inside awakens." Jung

Spiritual coaching is about moving you into a profound state of empowerment and involution moving with intention into the state of awareness characterized by the 5th Dimentional frequency band. Each client is unique, so the process of uncovering and releasing individual energetic blocks to transformation is crafted for each session from a wide range of spiritual tools and energy practices, customized to the interests of the client.

We will work together to remove blocks by curating our time and selecting from Kimla's Energy Master tookit. In our sessions, we could:

  • Learn to bend metal without force using chi/prana/lung.
  • Send/receive Universal Life Force using Reiki for healing/increasing energy.
  • Increase focus through guided meditations, specific to the energy work needed.
  • Expand your energy field through the power of cyamtics.
  • Increase energy field awareness through practices of the heart and pineal gland.
  • Expand more fully into your CLAIR abilities and intuition.**
  • Learn to channel prana or information by connecting with higher guidance.

In each session, we will scan the energy field and chakra system, and balance our electromagnetic field. As a pair, we will come into resonance, and then begin the process of releasing blocks, and openning into something so much greater, using one or more practices from the toolkit.

About Your Spiritual Coach
Kimla Rose's passion is illuminating the power of awareness. As a Reiki Master Teacher in both the Usui Shiki Ryoho and Holy Fire III Karuna systems, frequency-based systems healer, and channel for an 11th dimensional group referred to as “The Wisdom Beings,” Kimla shares her energy and information for the awakening of others moving past a dualistic system based in fear, and into a new paradigm of living based on unconditional love. Kimla learned the systems of duality through a 30 year career in environmental engineering and consulting. She holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Engineering degrees with a focus on environmental science and civil engineering, holds a certification from Harvard Law School and MIT in negotiation and has offered federal court testimony on environmental and energy processes. Kimla’s writing on environmental forensics, transportation, geospatial systems, and meditation has been published internationally by The Brookings Institute, Google.org, CEO Today, and Finance Monthly, among others. Kimla created the #OptInside program to educate corporations on meditation and energy practices, including “spoon bending,” and has led an international study and practice group on the Kalachakra or “Wheel of Time” teachings with Dr. Robert Thurman. Kimla retired from the corporate world to pursue full-time her energy work in the natural world as a #VanLifer, Energy Medicine Squared teacher, writer, and energy channeler. When not creating, Kimla can be found playing and spinning on mountains and in forests, and snuggling in her Flying Cloud Airstream with her dog Quasar.

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Taos, NM 87571, USA

Kimla guides her clients into their own power. As a Reiki Master Teacher in both the Usui Shiki Ryoho and Holy Fire III Karuna systems, creator of the #OptInside meditation program, and "spoon bending" teacher, Kimla empowers individuals and organizations to experience miracles, to perform "magic" and to change beliefs around what is possible, by doing the "impossible."

On Core Spirit since January 2022

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