<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Soul Realignment Profile Reading | Core Spirit

Soul Realignment Profile Reading

$309 USD
$309 USD

| Is Soul Realignment for you? |

• You have reached a point in your life where you feel you don’t have a sense of purpose any more.
• You are not sure what direction to go in, or just feel blocked.
• Perhaps you feel you have a lack of energy, no motivation and just feel stuck.
• You are experiencing ‘groundhog day,’ where your life seems to be on a negative repeat cycle.
• You cannot move past emotional trauma.

| About the journey |

During this reading, we will discover more about who you are and how your soul wishes to work. Now we are ready to look at your Karmic Blocks. As most of us have lived more than one lifetime, we hold Karmic baggage which we are still carrying in our energy. It is this baggage that effects our life in so many ways - emotionally, mentally and physically.

We create Karmic Blocks by making choices which do not fit, or align, with who we really are at soul level. Thus, this reading is one of two halves.

Karmic Blocks can be recognised as repeat behaviour patterns or beliefs, which we just cannot see or conquer, no matter what we do. These may include: continually attracting similar types of relationships and people into our lives; generally feeling low; having no energy or motivation, or lacking passion to realise your life’s vision.

On average, we will look at your past three lifetimes in one session. We will also discuss how they relate to your life today, and then we will energetically clear them out. Your part in this work (if you want to experience positive change) is to be willing to take new action, and make new choices that are more aligned with your soul.

| How you will feel after a Soul Realignment session? |

• Confident, motivated, clear
• Lighter, healthier, more aware
• In-flow, passionate, peaceful
• Free, self-assured, unafraid
• Happy, loved, released, daring
• Understood, worthy, abundant

| More than just a reading |

To complete this uplifting healing session, you will also receive:

• A tailored Akashic Record Karmic block clearing, which is activated at the end of the call.
• A 21-day specific Akashic Record block clearing invocation created for you to read at home.
• A chakra healing document to be kept and used after the session.
• Access to my private Soul Awakening – Akashic & Tarot Facebook group, where you can receive additional healing from me, and invaluable insight and support from my wonderful community.

| Let’s start your soul journey, today |

A Soul Realignment Profile Reading is the starting point of our spiritual journey. Once we know who you are on soul level, we can then move forward. Be ready for clarity and guidance, as you will learn about your soul gifts and talents, and how you can use them to master your new future. Together, we will ensure that the choices connected to the past do not determine the choices of your future.

Please feel free to contact me for further information.

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Cheshire, UK

My name is Marina Beech, and I am an Akashic Record Channel, Teacher and Intuitive.

Over the last two years, I have worked with over 150 clients. Each requiring unique guidance. With my vast knowledge of soul alchemy, I am able to use my spiritual toolbox to personalise the readings at every level. This ensures that clients receive only the most appropriate and personal reading.

On Core Spirit since March 2020

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