Reveal Your Destiny Intuition Hack Online Session

Reveal Your Destiny Intuition Hack Online Session


Those who achieved success and maintained success learned early how to master their mind and mold their behavior according to desirable thoughts. The rest of us, settle for random success and spare moments of happiness. We make ourselves believe that it is a good as it gets. We start pretending that we are okay and happy with our life, while the truth is that we feel powerless and cheated.

Reveal Your Destiny Intuition Hack Session is where we tap into the divine messages of your guides to draw out shamanic signs that will help you explore your life, karmic path, potentials and ultimately your destiny. The signs will tell you where to focus your attention and effort. They will tell you how to overcome the specific obstacles you face.

If you need support staying on the personal goals and action steps revealed by Spirit, enroll for our Direct Intuition 6-Day Online Private Program or the Reveal & Direct 6-Day Online Group Program. In those programs, you and I tailor a 6-day action and discussion plan. I will serve as your coaching guide during that time, giving your support to make the necessary prescribed changes.

At the end of the 6-day period, you will receive a free Reveal Your Destiny Intuition Reading to see how you progressed through Spirit.

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Greetings! I am an authentic Shaman, psychic medium and empowerment coach with many years of experience as an Iyalosha (Yoruba Orisa priestess). I perform sacred rites to align my clients to their highest destiny. Through intuitive counseling and empowerm…

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