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QHET Quantum Healing session

healing session
$299 USD
$299 USD

QHET, a portal to Your Soul.

Parting message. Don’t be afraid of shinning a light. Don’t be afraid of being powerful. Don’t be afraid of being more special.~ DOLORES CANNON

How hypnosis feels like
Surprisingly it is most common state for our minds, a daydreaming…. Can you imagine…. yes it is most common question from my clients: T can’t imagine, I don’t have abilities to go under, I don’t know how to relax. All is prepared for the only one moment, when we meet… in peacefulness, with calming surrounding, all of worries simply fade away, like in a dream. You will be fully aware where you are except that your subconsciousness will take a lead, for a moment….

Questions answered
Many times I’ve been asked, what is the quantum field? Is it really real? For me is only one answer, leave the imagination to do the work, feel like a child playing around, touching for the first time the great unknown, like in the quantum healing hypnosis session. quantum field is always here, around you and tapping into it has never been easier then now. Another question, most common one, is do I need to prepare myself for the session? I would say, you are already in the session from the moment you started thinking about it, imagine that your Higher Self is working behind the scene to make it happen for you. It is like two dots looking for each other, yourself is looking for a practitioner and the invisible realm make it happen, and all I ask for will be, be patient, smile. Do I want to go under, I would prefer to be aware what will happen. It is also one of question from my beloved clients, can I have a moment with your controlling mind please ))) just for a moment, as we meet, let “the little controller” leave a site, let the You speak up, experience, receive peace of mind, all is already prepared, not that you loosing something, everything there, in you, is getting ready for the most wonderful session. I don’t have imagination, my imagination is rather poor, that’s one of my favorites approaching before we even start. What if I’m here to guide you, gently, what if I have practiced quantum hypnosis for years, what if with my voice you will have something greater then imagination….. imagination is a state of coherence, in relax state of mind (Delta Theta)* you will go under within seconds. I had many clients, say “thinkers” like math geniuses, boxers, IT managers, just to name a few and you know what, we had an amazing adventure, one of them been shown his life purpose protect Gaia, the other one was there, in the field, to write a book. Does it sounds like something you wish to experience? The hypnosis is more likely to be effective for man not woman, woman can’t concentrate. Yes and yes, and what if the brain is one, what if women think they can not and men think I can do better then that. I leave you with that ))). I heard that hypnosis can make harm. Well, if it is your approach to quantum healing hypnotherapy sessions I have no further implementations for you. Can I have a session with my wife, spouse, a child. Of course! One of possibilities is a surrogate session. I had honored to facilitate “surrogate” sessions (when one partner “do” QHET Hypnosis for the “other half”. Remember? anything is possible. within quantum love field we are singular sources of light in within connections having a separation dream. Who is working with me? That is a personal question before session, mainly. I work with Ma’rtada Pleiadian Star Mother and thanx to this connection my realm, my own perspective has changed, I also work with my Lemurian Healing Team.
Yes, always. you are welcome to write down all of your questions before the date of our session.
Fascination about life is like a thirstiness, like the first thought how far I can remember us…
Looking forward to seeing you in the QHET sessions! Many Blessings

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Kraków, Poland

Founder of Quantum Healing Experience Tachnque QHET Hypnotherapy, Transitional Coach, Akashic Reading, Alexandra is a channeler of Kryon, Voice of MaRTaDa' Walk-in. Delivering messages of Unity, Peace, Love. Herself, as Ma'rtada’s represents Star Mothers helping people with heart activations, healing in multidimensional Universe, connecting to a Higher realm of Consciousness. Author

On Core Spirit since June 2021

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