Purpose + Prosperity Sacred Alignment Code

Purpose + Prosperity Sacred Alignment Code

coaching session

You were born as YOU. No one else. Your unique birth code holds the key to all that you are + can be. When you understand yourself - your strengths, gifts, challenges, karmic lessons - you are FREE. You have total permission to just show up as you are + can find the grace in life, even the bumpier side. No more wishing you were 'like this', or putting yourself down for 'doing that'. You were meant for greatness. Discover yourself + expand into it!

This is an in depth decoding of your unique birth energies and big karmic life lessons. Approx 1 hour.

Your code can also be used to forecast your months or year going forward so you can better prepare for what shows up along your path. Numerology forecasts are a very valuable tool as quarterly upkeep for your spiritual health and also your bsuiness plans!

Numerology readings allow you to undertsand yourself on a much deeper level and are therefore an excellent supportive tool for both personal and professional expansion.

Energy exchange is $111USD per session.

To All That You Are

xo Kate

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I am a holistic nutritionist, frequency medicine practitioner, numerologist and toxin free living educator. My current passion is guiding mothers, as the leaders of their households, to find emboldened and empowered WHOLE-being wellbeing as well as less…

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